Make + Manifest Holistic women's health from the pelvic floor up Wed, 15 Jan 2025 14:32:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Make + Manifest 32 32 174653884 The Habits, Life Hacks, & Health Practices I’m Taking Into 2025 Tue, 14 Jan 2025 22:39:08 +0000 Discover the habits, life hacks, & health practices I’m taking into 2025 to create my best year yet – vision boards, a gratitude journal, more mindful phone use, a “clean” capsule closet, and more. Let’s get inspired together!

The post The Habits, Life Hacks, & Health Practices I’m Taking Into 2025 appeared first on Make + Manifest.

2025 is here, friend, and you can roll your eyes all you want, but the “new year, new me” feels are in the air. Every other Instagram post is reminding me that where I put my time, energy, and money for the next 365 days will shape the rest of my life. My to-do list includes picking a word of the year, journaling my personal & professional goals, and purchasing a fresh new planner (on top of planning a party for an *almost* four-year-old and another 825 regularly programmed tasks).

RELATED POST: Sloan is FOUR Years Old

And while I really, truly am here for all ^^that^^, I’m heading into 2025 excited for the potential and possibility – not of finding or creating the “new me”…but the real me. Consider this my official resignation from lofty resolutions that leave me feeling pressured and ultimately disappointed. Nobaaaaady has time for that.

This year I’m simply, solely, solemnly swearing to double down on being authentically, unapologetically ME. A woman who likes what she sees in the mirror, not who looks impressive to strangers scrolling through her social squares. Someone who searches inward for her passions & priorities & purpose & praise. A person who sets boundaries, protects her peace, trusts her gut, and stays true to her principles.

Unlike other resolutions that require checking boxes or recording progress, our real self is just some intention & intuition & implementation away. And here’ the best part – when the aspiration is to be our real selves…we’re closer than we think. In fact, she’s already in there, willing and ready to show the world what’s up. She’s just buried beneath some expectations, excuses, insecurities, and maybe even a bit of fear. 

You can still make tangible, track-able, gloat-worthy goals. You can still promise to move your body regularly, go on one date night a month, scroll less, eat more home-cooked, whole-food meals, read [X] number of books, or start flossing. But as you set the standards for 2025, make reaching your real, true, authentic, best self the motivation behind it all.

Towards the end of last year, I asked myself…If you could be anything, who would you want to be? What does that version of you feel like? How would the real you spend you bandwidth, brainpower, and bank account?…and my ambitions for the new year were born. None of these goals are eccentric or extraordinary, but after nearly two weeks of putting them into practice, I can already say that 2025 is gonna be a good one.

Virtual vision boards

For as long as I can remember I’ve wanted to make a vision board for the year. From clarity to motivation, subconscious programming, and the law of attraction, I know there’s power in seeing your aspirations in image form in front of you every day, but the whole magazine cutouts & glitter & glue just wasn’t gonna happen. Then I got a great idea (that I’m a little embarrassed to admit I only recently thought of)…what if I made a virtual vision board and used it as my phone’s lock screen!? Not only did I have so much fun creating it, butttttttt I also ran out of room, so I made one for my computer background too. Here’s how they turned out:

From becoming a mom of two to a thriving homestead, a more playful marriage, starting a podcast, being featured in a magazine, building a “clean” capsule closet (more on that in a minute), prioritizing time outside, completing a few house projects, continuing to focus on health basics, and nurturing my creativity…it’s all there. And somehow the people, places, objects, and experiences – they all feel significantly more attainable now that I can see them every day.

I find myself asking “what would it take to get [there]?” regularly and pushing myself to be more creative and expand my options for how I arrive at my goals. There’s a sense of excitement & opportunity & purpose & self-worth & hope every time I catch a glimpse of my dream life laid out in front of me. If I would have known a vision board could 1) be virtual, 2) come together this easily, and 3) be this powerful, I would have started making them a long time ago. Now I can’t wait to see and share what actually comes to fruition this year


If you type “how to make a vision board” into Pinterest or Google, you will likely get significantly more detailed information than what I’m about to share. [This] is how I, someone who’s not a manifestation expert or life coach or self-help guru, did it, and not only enjoyed the whole process but also how it turned out.

1. Start by brainstorming what you want your future to look and feel like (PS – your “future” could be the upcoming year, the next 5-10 years…totally up to you). Take into account relationship desires, your ideal career and income, travel dreams, material wants, core values, self-care goals, and the mantras or affirmations that align with them all.

2. Download images that represent or resonate with your goals. I went to Pinterest and typed in whatever I was looking for followed by the word “aesthetic” – “mother of two aesthetic”, “thriving garden aesthetic”, “happy couple aesthetic”, etc., and chose the images I liked best. To download from Pinterest, simply tap the three little dots at the bottom right of the photo you want, then click “download image” to save.

3. Once you’ve collected all your images, it’s time to piece them together. I used a template inside Canva (there are both free and paid versions), but there are also some really great phone wallpaper and computer background templates for just a few dollars on Etsy too. If you want to get nerdy about picture placement or the words you choose…girl, get after it!…there are multiple resources on the world wide web that dive deeper. I personally put what I consider my “biggest” dreams towards the center and worked my way out, but do whatever looks and feels best to you. Depending on how this year’s vision board plays out, I may get a bit more strategic in upcoming years.

4. Spend a little time (even just a minute) every day reflecting on your vision board, remembering what you’re working towards, and romanticizing the excitement, thrill, or even nervousness those images bring. I’ve been surprised at how a few simple images can give me such a jolt of encouragement and inspiration every time I take a peek at my phone.

Daily gratitude practice

Look up “benefits of a daily gratitude practice” and you’ll see that jotting down just a few things you’re thankful for every day is right up there with exercise, eating healthy, hydrating, and even taking a sauna! Promises of improved mood, better sleep, reduced stress, stronger relationships, increased resilience, even lower inflammation were all reasons I couldn’t say no to adding this free & easy practice into my regular routine this year.

RELATED POST: You Might Be Overlooking [These] 10 Exercise Benefits

RELATED POST: 10 Secret (& Essential) Steps to the Perfect Sauna Exeperience

While you can get as fancy and formal (or not) as you want, I’ve chosen to use the notes app in my phone to record five things I’m grateful for each day. I like that it’s always accessible, I can include a few fun emojis, and it’s simple to scroll back on a week’s or month’s worth of gratitudes for a quick dose of dopamine. Here’s how it’s going so far:

After about two weeks of this practice, I’m not necessarily seeing signs of “better sleep” or “lower inflammation”, but I am already a believer in the benefits of taking time to identify and track the things I’m thankful for. These are my insights:

The dividends are in the details. The more detailed and descriptive you can be, the better. Rather than just writing “Sloan” every day, forcing myself to get specific is proving to have a more uplifting and lasting effect. “Sloan wanting to be rocked to sleep”, “the way Sloan yells our mealtime prayer”, or “Sloan’s long & dark eyelashes” allows me to see, hear, and feel the things I’m thankful for on a much deeper level.

Positivity appreciates. Have you heard of the “red car theory”? This concept implies that if you’re thinking of buying a red car you might start to see and become more aware of red cars. Aka – the things you give your time and attention to become more noticeable. Even though nothing big has changed since 2025 started, I’m recognizing and discovering more beauty and abundance all around me, and it’s 10000000% due to this gratitude practice.  

Pausing is powerful (& maybe the whole point). This practice requires two pauses – one to realize the gratitude-worthy thing and the second to record it. Documenting five gratitudes a day means ten tiny breaks in my busy, bustling life. For some this may be a reason not to pick up this practice…for me, the momentary rest and relief have proven to be the best part.

Limiting social media use

If my goals this year include finding & nurturing & coming home to the real me, bringing my vision board to life, and experiencing a growing number of reasons for gratitude all around me, then I can’t have my face in my phone. Period. While I’ve tried multiple tools that track or restrict how much time I spend on my phone or in certain apps, I hadn’t found one that worked for me.

RELATED POST: 13 Smartphone Apps Every [Health-Conscious] Woman Needs on Her Home Screen

Then I learned that apple phones (and fingers crossed, android too) have the ability to set time limits for any app you like. I decided to give it a try and not only was it ridiculously easy to set up, but I love everything about how it works.


1. Go to the “settings” app on your phone and click on “screen time”, then “app limits”.

2. Tap on “add limit” then choose the apps you want to restrict your time on. (I’m personally applying this to Pinterest and Instagram as they’re the ones I find myself mindlessly scrolling most often.)

3. Choose how long you want to allow yourself to be on the app each day. You can set a different limit for each app and even customize it by days of the week.

4. If you want to be super hard core, you can go back to “screen time” and choose to “lock screen time settings”. You’re then prompted to set a password to get back into the app if/when you reach your time limit.

I’ve honestly surprised myself by *overall* following the time limit, and I think it’s because of these few features my brain just really likes –

A five-minute warning. When there are five minutes left in your time limit, a notification pops up to alert you. I find myself using that warning as I reminder for why I’m in the app in the first place and to stay on track and finish up what I was doing.

The realistic options. Once you reach the time limit, the screen whites out and you can either hit “ok” to exit the app or hit “ignore”. If you tap “ignore”, there are options to add one minute (which I’ve surprisingly taken advantage of more times that you’d think), fifteen minutes (which I’ve basically banned myself from choosing), or “ignore for the day” (which I’ve used a few times in Pinterest when I’m in the kitchen and need access to a recipe or two).

The grayed out icon. After reaching the time limit and clicking “ok”, the app gets grayed out on your home screen. You can still go back in the app (after being prompted to choose between the options for adding time described above), but there’s something about the app looking unclickable that deters me from even trying.

As my days get busier and life gets more beautiful, I’m naturally spending less and less time on social media. But having a concrete barrier around a goal like “scroll less” means I can enjoy the information, inspiration, and connection the apps provide in a time frame I feel good about with zero guilt. I look at reaching the app time limit as my phone giving me permission to put it out of mind, and the benefits have been undeniable.

Daily photo flashback & refresh

If you’re like me, then one of your phone’s primary functions is to quickly capture and keep life’s perfect moments in picture and video form. Add in screen shots of recipes, instructions, and I-need-to-remember-to-buy-this items, and your photos app is liiiiiiikely filled to the brim with memories and memos.

When you type a date (i.e. “January 9”) into the photos app search bar, every image taken on that day from past years will pop up. In an attempt to clean out my photos app and get a little nostalgic & sentimental in the process, I’m taking a few minutes every day to find that date’s photos, then trash the screen shots I no longer need, watch videos of baby Sloan (and inevitably send a few to Bob followed by a few teary-eyed emojis), delete duplicates, and organize what I am keeping into albums.

This is proving to be another easy but effective practice to arrange and appreciate a significant part of life. Maya Angelou said, “you can’t really know where you’re going until you know where you’ve been”. It’s empowering to take a quick peek back every day, realize how everything really has played out perfectly, and trust that the same will happen in the year(s) to come. 

Create a “clean” capsule closet

Ten years ago I was diagnosed with endometriosis. Five years ago I learned that birth control wasn’t actually helping, aaaaaaand I went on a journey to holistically manage my pain, have better periods, and improve my likelihood of fertility. A big part of this process was eliminating chemicals from what I put in, on, and around my body, and my very first step was switching to an all natural skincare routine (I still swear by all things Primally Pure and you can use code DRDAVIS10 for 10% off at checkout!). Over the years I’ve overhauled my makeup, hair & body care, dental hygiene, kitchen tools, and house cleaning products too.

RELATED POST: Living With Endometriosis: The Reality of Managing vs. Healing & How I’ve Naturally Taken Control of My Symptoms

RELATED POST: 7 Holistic Menstrual Cycle Hacks to Help You Thrive During Your Period

RELATED POST: How I Got Pregnant Despite My Endometriosis Diagnosis

Between my desire for ease and simplicity in this season and a body that feels like it’s finally settling in, I’m using this opportunity to not only create a capsule closet, but also take the next step in toxin-free living and shift to only buying clothing made out of more natural fabrics. Many of the clothes we wear nowadays contain PFA’s phthalates, BPS, flare retardants, lead, chlorine, and more, and these chemicals sitting on the skin all day can have a lasting effect on our health and hormones.

Because overhauling my wardrobe in one fell swoop would be both expensive and overwhelming, I’m intentionally choosing cleaner fabrics like cotton, wool, linen, hemp, and tencel (and buying organic as much as possible) only when items wear out or wants come up. From socks to sweaters, these items are typically a little more expensive and harder to find, but this is a “less is more”, quality over quantity approach to clothing. My favorite brands so far include Quince, Everlane, Colorful Standard, Jungmaven, and Sezane.

Every purchase I’ve made towards a cleaner capsule closet feels practical, intentional, and like it serves a bigger purpose. It’s about having good clothes that last. It’s about my health. It’s about looking good on the outside &&& feeling good on the inside every day. Because I’m not one to purchase a lot of clothes, I don’t expect to have a completely new, all natural wardrobe by the end of 2025, but this will be the year that every clothing purchase I make follows these standards.

Bring on 2025, baby!

With every new year I find myself loosening my grip on the “should’s” and basing my days and dreams around what my body, mind, heart, and soul *really* want instead. Maybe being unemployed for almost two months has given me a little more flexibility and freedom to explore what ^^that^^ looks like further. Maybe motherhood has shown me what matters most. Orrrrrr maybe my prefrontal cortex is finally in full form.

I won’t be so bold as to say 2025 is going to be “my year”, but being solid in the “why” behind my goals and allowing a little flexibility and creativity in the “how”, I know it’s going to be one of progress, expansion, evolution, and growth…the year I settle into myself. And yes, I believe even habits & hacks & health practices as small as [this] will play a big role in how I get there. Mmmmmmm…it’s gonna be s’good.

Happy New Year, friend! Let me know in the comments what intentions you’re setting and goals you’re goin’ for in 2025. I really do hope it’s my, your, OUR best year yet.

– Amanda

Disclaimer: The content provided here does not constitute medical advice, nor is it a substitute for personalized healthcare. I’m a doctor, but I’m not your doctor. If you have concerns about a medical condition, diagnosis, or treatment, you should consult with a licensed healthcare professional.

Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. No pressure, but I have a feeling you’re gonna like what I’ve taken the time to put my recommendation behind.

The post The Habits, Life Hacks, & Health Practices I’m Taking Into 2025 appeared first on Make + Manifest.

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Sloan is FOUR Years Old Thu, 09 Jan 2025 14:32:14 +0000 Sloan is four and my mama heart was not ready for all the independence, imagination, and insistence that came with this last year. Take a peek at what motherhood looks like in this season, things my girl is loving, and more.

The post Sloan is FOUR Years Old appeared first on Make + Manifest.

Every year I sit down to write this post I wonder a) how we got here so fast and b) that I lived to tell the tale. I mean…how can the hour between lunch and nap (which is a 50/50 crapshoot at this point) feel like an eternity but the last 365 days have passed in the blink of an eye?!

Part of me feels like Sloan was just born yesterday – I can still feel that homebirth high, her heavy breath during those post-breastfeeding snuggles, how her little body molded so perfectly into mine. And yet it also seems like she’s always been here…like we’ve lived a hundred lifetimes together. Motherhood is full of a million anomalies like that, don’t you think?

RELATED POST: My Positive Home Birth Experience: How I Prepared & Why I Would ~Definitely~ Do It Again

RELATED POST: My Holistic (& Realistic) Breastfeeding Tips After Nursing for Two Years

Lately whenever I meet a new or expecting mom, I find myself saying “trust me, it just gets better and better”, because with every week, month, and year that pass, Sloan is proving that sentiment to be true. Just when I think we’re settling into a certain stage or season, she switches things up, and usually in the best, sometimes most surprising ways. She’s becoming more independent, more imaginative, more insistent, and every once in a while I get a glimpse of her at fourteen and can’t help but smile.

Since day one I’ve felt like Lolo was too good for me…like I didn’t deserve to claim or so closely experience the beauty & energy & love & presence she brought into the world. Now I see her as my truest evidence of abundance – proof that miracles happen, prayers are answered, and God always has something better than we could ever imagine in store.

I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that I have a FOUR year old. She’s no longer a toddler, I’m no longer a “new mom”; things just feel…different. We’re growing together (her *literally* right before my eyes!) and it’s both humbling and heartening to witness. She’s a real person with thoughts and opinions and questions (oh Lord, the questions) and how I interact with her feels infinitely more important these days. Motherhood is proving to be the wildest ride, but my goodness I love doing it with Sloan by my side.

Lolo, currently

I recently heard that those who enjoy the ordinary will live an extraordinary life, and if that’s true (which I believe it has to be), then Sloan’s got a good one ahead of her. Whether it’s puddle jumping or playing tag, making trips to Home Depot for the seasonal decorations on display or hunting for mushrooms, she sees magic in life’s littlest moments. Her cheerfulness is contagious, even in the most common of circumstances, and I can’t help but beam with pride at her ability to bring curiosity, contentment, and excitement into every situation.

She LOVES to make people laugh and her preferred method to do so is a funny face, chicken joke, or sliiiiiiiightly inappropriate movie quote. Sloan will bend over backwards to include others. She wants to know everything about the people in her circle – their favorite color, how tall they are, what foods they like, when they go to bed – and will remember (and also expect you to recall) every unique detail.

Sloan amazes us when she identifies dinosaurs by their scientific name, “reads” a book right along with us (or promptly lets us know when we’ve missed a word), and sings an entire song she’s only heard twice. But she also says “got-for” instead of “forgot”, confuses yesterday and tomorrow, asks to be carried down the dark hallway, and begs me to snuggle for ten more minutes. And it’s in those latter moments (that feel rarer by the day) I’m reminded she’s still my little girl. 

Nine times outta ten Sloan’s a smaller version of me, but her big blue eyes, head of thick, cowlick-y hair, and the way she sticks her tongue out when she thinks gives us glimpses that her daddy’s in there too. Then her obsession for the holidays, the bucket of plastic eggs & animals she carries everywhere, and how she dips grapes in mustard proves she’s also her own unique person and I can’t get enough of this amazing combo we’ve created.

A little BTS from our last year

This past year was one for the books in both wonderful and challenging ways. Between me going part time at work (plus even getting a few months off) and Bob’s firefighter schedule, we’ve had more time together than ever before. While most of our days were spent on a daily walk or working on our little homestead complete with garden and chickens, we also made plenty of time for camping, paddle boarding on our lake, visits to the library, and starting Sloan in jiu jitsu.

Sloan’s asthma landed us back to the ER this summer and we’ve been on a holistic healing journey ever since. The naturopath visits (or as Sloan calls her – “the doctor with the toys”), multiple bouts of blood work, daily supplements, and diet restrictions have proven Sloan to be the most resilient kid I know, and I’m excited to say it appears we’re finally making progress.

Sloan loves baking & crafting & reading with Mommy, tag & hiking & bath time with Daddy. We all enjoy early morning coffee and cartoons on the couch, sitting around the backyard fire, Sloan leading us in prayer at dinnertime, and trips to our favorite specialty grocery store for sweet and savory treats. It seemed like Sloan’s ability to appreciate and participate in everyday life expanded exponentially this year, and it’s been so fun to include her in more activities in more meaningful ways.

Her 5 favorites

Puddle jumping suit If you also live in the PNW or just have a kid who likes being outside no matter the weather, this fleece-lined, waterproof suit is a must-have. It comes in multiple colors & prints, has reflective safety strips, is easy to put on and take off, and stands up to rain, snow, and mud. (Honestly…I wish they made these in my size!) It took Sloan a hot minute to warm up to this suit, but now the opportunity to wear it is what we use to bribe her to go outside and she looks so cute and cozy in it.

[These] animal figurines It all started when Sloan brought home baby elephant during our first trip to the farm supply store. Since then, her collection has grown to include a few dozen pairs of mama and baby animals and we’re just about to the point where they’ll need their own shelf. They’re beautifully made, durable, and have provided us countless hours of imaginative play.

Mini Yoto player Sloan got this for Christmas and it’s quickly become her most-used “toy”. It’s essentially a screen-free speaker box that plays different music or stories depending on the cards you place in it. On the days Sloan doesn’t want to nap, we set her up in her room for “quiet time” with her favorite Yoto cards and she’ll listen until the “time-to-wake” feature tells her she can get up. The protective jacket and card holder have proven perfect for travel and we’ll be packing it for a plane ride later this year. I question how we survived without this before and I don’t want to find out anytime soon.

Helper stool – We’ve had this wooden toddler tower since Sloan could stand on her own, but the older she gets the more we use it. First it was sharing a snack at the counter, then helping in the kitchen, now she’s able to move it to grab things off the counter by herself too. Independence and increased quality time together? Yes please! I love that it (easily) adjusts as Sloan grows and has remained safe & sturdy over the years.

Picasso Tiles These have been a playtime staple in the Davis house for years, and because they get played with so much, we keep adding to our collection. Sloan recently got the marble run and I think I enjoy it just as much as she does! We make barns and fences for her animals, furniture for her Barbies, roads for cars, and I have a feeling these will continue to provide us with hours of fun for the foreseeable future.

Happy 4th Birthday, my sweet Sloany Girl

For the last month you’ve asked me to measure you every morning, but today as I reminded you not to stand on your tippy toes and marked a “4” next to the 3’ 4” line, I couldn’t help but tear up. Just when I think you’re my big girl, I look back at my camera roll and realize I’ve been saying that since you could hold your head up on your own, and will likely be repeating it with every milestone until the end of time.

The more questions you ask, opinions you form, and preferences you share, the more you feel like home. My goal this year is to get closer to my real self, the “me” before expectations & excuses & insecurities & fear, and everything you are shows me what’s possible.

You start most days by asking if it’s a “me and you day” from underneath the covers, and the smile on your face when I say “yes” melts my heart. But here’s the thing, my girl…as far as I’m concerned, every day is a “me and you day”, making [these] the best days ever.

Today we’re celebrating with homemade waffles, an extra episode of “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”, and a surprise trip to pick out yet another animal figurine. It’s so easy to celebrate you, my little love, and my hope is that today and the hundred birthdays ahead of you are simply, wonderfully special, just like you. 

– Amanda/Mama

Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. No pressure, but I have a feeling you’re gonna like what I’ve taken the time to put my recommendation behind.

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6 Reasons I’m Thankful for My Endometriosis Diagnosis Thu, 28 Nov 2024 13:55:07 +0000 Would you believe me if I told you there were silver linings to your endometriosis diagnosis? That there are women successfully making it to the other side? I’m living proof and I want everyone to experience this beautiful transformation for herself.

The post 6 Reasons I’m Thankful for My Endometriosis Diagnosis appeared first on Make + Manifest.

If you would’ve told me ten years ago that someday I’d be writing a blog post about why I’m thankful for my endometriosis diagnosis, I probably would’ve given you the middle finger. Constant pain that keeps you curled up on the bathroom floor, paying to be gaslit by expensive specialists, and going into a surgery knowing it might be unsuccessful and you’ll wake up sterile aren’t on your average woman’s bingo card of #blessings.

Yet here I am, a few days before we celebrate Thanksgiving, realizing that my endometriosis diagnosis is what got me [here] – from blindly trusting doctors to boldly advocating for my health, from popping pills to get through my period to barely noticing it’s that time of the month, and from the prognosis of infertility to having a perfect almost-four-year-old playing at my feet.

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RELATED POST: 7 Holistic Menstrual Cycle Hacks to Help You Thrive During Your Period

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Everyone has a handful of turning points in their life…leaving my shopping cart in the middle of Target and rushing to the ER with labor-level abdominal pain is one of mine. The scans & surgery & scars & studying & lifestyle shifts that followed have made me the woman, wife, mother, friend, and pelvic rehab provider I am today, and I guess you could say I’m pretty dang proud of her.

If you’re in the messy middle of managing endo, I want you to hear that there’s hope. I will never, ever say that getting to the other side is simple, straightforward, or speedy, but it’s possible and soooooo worth the process.

So here they are…the (bigger) results of being diagnosed with endometriosis and the reasons I’m thankful for this currently incurable condition. I used to consider endometriosis my fatal flaw – the brokenness I blamed, was bitter towards, and warned boyfriends about. Now I realize this shortcoming has been my superpower all along and wow is it healing & humbling to see things from the other side.

Adios, blind trust!

Before my endometriosis diagnosis, I believed “doctors know best”. Birth control is safe? I’ll take a year’s supply. Red meat is bad? Copy that. Painful periods are normal? Yep…totally makes sense. I can’t help but look back and laugh (half nervously, half embarrassed) at how little both I and my doctors knew and the amount of trust I put in these people just because of their degree.

Now anytime I’m making a medical decision or pursuing help with my health, I still get the advice of a medial provider, but I ask “why” and “how” 392 times during the appointment, thennnnnnn ultimately check that information against a lengthy internet search and, most importantly, my intuition.

RELATED POST: 6 Powerful Places You’re Proooobably Forgetting to Look for Answer to Your Health Questions

I…you…we all know our bodies better than anyone else ever will and I’ll even go so far as to say we deep down know what our bodies need. Those inklings and instincts are why I stopped blindly confiding in doctors and started questioning everything. The latter takes far more effort and energy, but I’m more confident, clear, and in control of my wellness and wellbeing than ever before.

A low-chemical lifestyle

Honesty hour – ya girl was not always *this* crunchy. I used to choose my skincare and makeup based off Sixteen Magazine recommendations, “healthy” eating merely meant counting calories, and I could have opened my own store with the number of Bath & Body Works candles in my home. If you would’ve tried to talk to me about phthalates and carcinogens, I probably would have thought you were speaking a different language.

When we decided to try and start a family, the birth control I was prescribed to “manage endometriosis” after my laparoscopic excision was no longer an option. I began researching other methods to control the symptoms and jumped leaped dove head first into toxin-free living. It started with skincare (shout out to Primally Pure who has been my go-to since day one), then laundry & cleaning products, and I’ve slowly swapped my makeup & dental hygiene & period management & clothing & cooking appliances over time.

RELATED POST: Simple Swaps to Optimize Your All-Natural Underarm Care

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I’m not perfect – there are plastic Ziploc bags in my kitchen drawer, seed oils still occasionally sneak their way in, and I haven’t completely converted my closet to natural & organic materials. But everyday I make mindful decisions of what I’m putting in, on, and around my body, and I ~know~ I wouldn’t have this same level of information, awareness, passion, and conviction if it wasn’t for my endometriosis diagnosis.

Motherhood is so much sweeter

While it only took us three months to get pregnant with our Lolo girl, I spent years believing I would never have a baby of my own. Since having Sloan, I’ve suffered two losses, both of which, I believe, were due to my endometriosis and underlying hormone imbalance. Motherhood was and never will be a given for me. And while there are still trying and tiring times, I don’t take a single moment with my girl for granted.

RELATED POST: What It’s Like to Want to Be a Mom: The Miserable, Messy, & Magical

RELATED POST: What It’s Like to Be a Mom After a Season of Waiting

Now let’s call out the obvious before the internet loses it – I’m not saying that moms who haven’t been through endometriosis, loss, or infertility love their babies any less. But I do believe there’s an extra level of appreciation for those little lives when something makes you question if it will ever actually happen.

Pink lines on a pregnancy test, little socks in the laundry, the sweet voice over the sound machine, the dinosaurs on the windowsills…I don’t know if they would demand the same degree of double-takes without the doubt my endometriosis diagnosis brought. The parts of motherhood that might seem mundane to some are, to me, the most magical and miraculous gifts, and for that I’ll be forever thankful.

A holistic approach to health

I’ve always been passionate about exercise. In college I was known as “sporty Amanda” because 1) half the female population was named Amanda and differentiators were needed, 2) I was getting a degree in exercise science, and 3) I was always at the gym, either working out or teaching group fitness classes. But that’s where my “wellness” knowledge and interest stopped.

Endometriosis encouraged to me take a holistic approach to health – to explore different methods and experiment with various strategies to decrease pain, regulate my menstrual cycle, clear my acne, improve mood and energy, and eventually get pregnant. Now everything from supplements to a daily sauna, staying sober, cycle synching my diet & daily movement, sleep, and stress management are all on my radar and a part of my holistic health routine.

RELATED POST: Living with Endometriosis: The Reality of Managing vs. Healing & How I’ve Naturally Taken Control of My Symptoms

RELATED POST: How I Got Pregnant Despite My Endometriosis Diagnosis

When you have a diagnosis that’s incurable and the conventional way of managing it is sketchy at best, you have to change your questioning from “why me?” to “what now?” You must become someone who prioritizes their health, pushes boundaries when pursuing help, and stands up for herself. I’m passionate about holistic wellness because the ability to be my happiest & healthiest self depends on it, and I don’t think I’d be this enthusiastic without endometriosis encouraging me in the background.

A stronger faith

As a Christian, I believe God’s plan for my life is perfect, and I’ve been asking that “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” ever since I was a little girl. But when you have cramps so bad you can barely breath…or you’re childless in your 20’s and a doctor tells you he’ll likely need to remove both your ovaries…or you suffer two miscarriages in a year…it gets hard to trust that divine timing or see the bigger picture & purpose behind the pain.

RELATED POST: My Real & Raw (& Random) Thoughts After Miscarriage

Endometriosis has been one of the most predominant #firstworldproblems in my overall privileged life. It’s left me ugly crying on the shower floor, brought me to my knees begging for answers, and kept me depressed for days in bed. But with every hurdle it’s also given me a reason to turn to God, the one whose hands are holding me, in both the hurt and the healing.

I don’t think I’d be writing this post today without my faith. I don’t think my faith would be where it is today without my endometriosis diagnosis. I know God will work everything out for my good because he knows all, sees all, and is sovereign over all. Endometriosis and all its challenges have given me the opportunity to turn my worry into worship and my battles into blessings, and I’ve arrived at a relationship with God I never would have otherwise. 

My passion for (& profession in) women’s health

In my last year of PT school I had the opportunity to take two electives. I chose sports rehab (along with every other person in my class) and women’s health as it was around that time my pelvic pain, pain with sex, and other endometriosis symptoms started escalating. What began as a desperate search for answers to my personal physical problems turned into real results and a fascination & appreciation for all things pelvic health…and the rest is history!

RELATD POST: The [Exact] Strategies I Used to Heal Pain With Intercourse (Straight From a Pelvic Rehab Therapist

RELATED POST: Yes (!!!), You Can Use Acupressure for Pelvic Pain – Here’s How!

I’m one of the lucky few whose career matches what they went to school for, who loves what they do, and who gets to help people in the process. My endometriosis diagnosis means I’ve also been on the other side – researching my options, doing the exercises, and riding the roller coaster of recovery – and can approach each patient from a place of empathy, experience, and expertise.

[This] is why I make my advice actionable, accessible, and achievable. [This] is why I swear by a “less is more” approach to (pelvic) health. [This] is why most of my spare time is dedicated to helping women achieve their wellness goals. Not only do I know what it’s like to feel hopeless and helpless, but I’m living proof there’s healing on the other side of clear, consistent, and confident action, and I want everyone to experience that beautiful transformation for themselves.

Dear endometriosis, thank you.

All I’ve thought about while writing this post is how much I wish I had read something like this in the early days of dealing with my endometriosis. I don’t know if I would’ve fully seized those silver linings, but it would’ve been nice to see I wasn’t alone and there were women successfully making it to the other side.

Endometriosis is a bitch and I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy. And honestly, despite the hidden blessings, if someone gave me the option to change one thing about myself I would GLADLY give up this disaster of a diagnosis. But until my fairy godmother shows up waving her magic wand, I’ll be here squeezing every ounce of upsides out of the struggles and sharing it all so you can sidestep the mistakes, skip the setbacks, and know there’s someone going through it right alongside you.

My family doesn’t traditionally go around the dinner table and say what we’re grateful for on Thanksgiving, but maybe this will be the year we start. My top five would be my family, a part-time job that allows me to spend more time with my daughter and pursue other passions (like this blog ;)), our growing homestead, my creativity, and yes…even my endometriosis diagnosis.

– Amanda

Disclaimer: The content provided here does not constitute medical advice, nor is it a substitute for personalized healthcare. I’m a doctor, but I’m not your doctor. If you have concerns about a medical condition, diagnosis, or treatment, you should consult with a licensed healthcare professional.

The post 6 Reasons I’m Thankful for My Endometriosis Diagnosis appeared first on Make + Manifest.

10 Soup Recipes I’m Making on Repeat This Season Fri, 15 Nov 2024 04:23:49 +0000 It’s soup season, baby!!! And these are the 10 best (easy & nutritious & delicious) soup recipes on the internet worth making on repeat.

The post 10 Soup Recipes I’m Making on Repeat This Season appeared first on Make + Manifest.

Someone recently asked me how I “do it all”…and after laughing out loud because I know what my to-do list looks like and can assure you it most definitely isn’t “all done”, I shared the one thing I could think of (besides good ol’ prayer and the fact that my daughter still naps for two hours most days *knocks on wood*) that helps me tackle busy weeks – meal prepping.

Because my days are filled with working as a pelvic rehab therapist, working out, all things motherhood & marriage, a growing homestead, and sharing women’s health information here on le’ blog, I simply don’t have the time (or energy) to cook meals regularly.

Buttttttttt nutrition and wellness are a top priority for myself and my family, so I had to find something to prevent us from ordering takeout regularly or air-frying hotdogs 24/7 (although I firmly believe there’s a time and place for both options ;)). I’ve resorted to a “one and done” style of cooking with go-to, easy, healthy, yummy, double batch-able, good-enough-to-repeat recipes at the ready.

And guess what? It’s finally soup season, baby! And honestly, friend??? Thank God!!! Because let’s be real – cozy, creamy soups don’t exactlyyyyyyy hit the spot in the summer heat & humidity, but man are they simple to make, use ingredients most people already have on hand, produce a lot of food in a short period of time, and even freeze well.

So when the soup & slow cooker (& side of sourdough) season rolls around, you better believe I take full advantage.

If you also like filling & nourishing meals that are full of protein and healthy fats and can be easily multiplied for your #mealprepgoals, then get ready to save and fall in love with the following soup recipes.

First, my favorite low to no-tox cooking gadgets

I was diagnosed with endometriosis over a decade ago, and the prognosis of infertility and chronic pain propelled me into the world of clean, chemical-free living. Once I learned that what I put in, on, and around my body (yes, this includes the tools you cook with) could contribute to inflammation and hormone imbalance, I made it my mission to slowly but consistently make the switch to low to no-toxin products.  

RELATED POST: Living With Endometriosis: The Reality of Managing vs. Healing & How I’ve Naturally Taken Control of My Symptoms

RELATED POST: How I Got Pregnant Despite My Endometriosis Diagnosis

Skincare products were my first purchase, then laundry & cleaning products, then makeup & dental hygiene & period management & clothing, thennnnnn finally cooking utensils and appliances. I don’t know what took me so long to overhaul my kitchen…maybe it’s the fact that consumables are easier (& cheaper) to replace than the gadgets that seem to last forever…but what we cook with can most certainly contaminate our food and is worth investing in when you have the ability to do so.

My kitchen still isn’t perfect (I see you, Teflon-covered air fryer and plastic storage bags), but I’m doing the best I can in the season I’m in to use cooking equipment that supports my health goals. Here are a few of the chemical-free favorites I grab out of the cupboard just about every time I make soup –

Stainless steel soup pot – Last year’s Christmas money was our family’s opportunity & excuse to invest in stainless steel pots, and this is the one I pull out for soup night. Stainless steel resists corrosion, is easy to clean, repels bacteria growth, and my favorite…doesn’t slough off harmful chemicals into our food.

Cast iron skillet – While one-pot soups are my favorite come dishwashing time, the ones that inevitably taste the best are always filled with seared meat or topped with crispy bacon, and for those additions I’ll always make an exception. Cast iron pans are my favorite way to cook on the stovetop for their non-toxic properties and the fact that they can increase iron content of the foods cooked in them by up to 16%.

Pressure cooker – I don’t tend to use a pressure cooker to make our actual soup, but I do use this one to make homemade bone broth in large batches (see the ingredient substitutes below for my go-to recipe) and to cook the shredded or cubed chicken that some recipes call for.

Slow cooker – A hot take that might cause a little controversy – I just don’t think slow cooker soups taste as good. I do, however, still use a slow cooker occasionally out of convenience, and this one is not only cute but has a chemical-free ceramic inner pot that you can be confident letting your food sit in all day.

Immersion blender – If you don’t have an immersion blender…you need this one. It makes creaming/blending those cooked veggies so much easier (& safer & cleaner) than transferring scalding hot soup to a blender or food processor.

Cutting board – Cutting boards are one of the biggest culprits for consuming microplastics, phthalates, formaldehyde, melamine, and other chemicals. We switched to these restaurant grade natural rubber cutting boards and have been so happy with this purchase.

Measuring cups & spoons – By now you’re likely pickin’ up what I’m puttin’ down…removing plastic from your kitchen wherever & whenever possible is a good idea. The alternatives might be a little more expensive up front, but they’ll last far longer and keep your family healthier – something you can’t put a price tag on. These glass cups for measuring wet ingredients, stainless steel cups for measuring dry ingredients, and stainless steel measuring spoons are simple staple investments that every kitchen needs.

More nutritious ingredient substitutes

I have never (and probably will never) claim to be a good cook. I am, however *really* good at finding amazing recipes on Pinterest and tweaking their ingredients to make them more nutritious. While I’m usually a rule-follower (#firstbornthings), recipes are the one place I rebelliously substitute & swap & experiment regularly. Every soup is different, but there are a few easy modifications I almost always make that I think you’ll enjoy:

RELATED POST: The Whole Food, Healthy Pantry Staples You Better Believe I Keep Stocked 24/7

Instead of wheat-based pastas – I’m not totallllllly against gluten, but if I can find a healthier substitute I’ll use it as often as possible. This brand makes multiple types of rice noodles that have the same (if not better) taste and texture as “regular” noodles and I always have a few bags stocked in our pantry.

Instead of seed oils – Canola oil and vegetable oil are common ingredients you’ll find in many soup recipes (including some of the ones I share here), yet more and more research shows that seed oils contain harmful additives that contribute to inflammation and chronic disease. My favorite, healthier alternatives include olive oil, avocado oil, tallow, and ghee.

Instead of stock – There’s nothing wrong with chicken, beef, and vegetable stock, but there’s a more nutritious option – bone broth! Compared to stock, bone broth contains more protein, collagen, electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals making it an easy way to level up nearly any soup recipe. 99% of the time I have homemade bone broth on hand, but when I don’t, this is the bone broth I buy.

Instead of table salt – I’ve been wanting to write a blog post all about the different types of salt (let me know in the comments if you’d like that information!), but this will be the Reader’s Digest version. Regular ol’ table salt is often highly processed and stripped of beneficial trace minerals. I use this salt for all our cooking instead because of its high quality and superior flavor.

Instead of canned produce – Will I dump a can of corn or tomatoes or beans into my soup in a pinch? Ummmmmm…yes. But whenever possible, I try to use fresh produce (bonus points if it’s from your garden or a local market) – not only because it tastes infinitely better but also because canned food is known to contain BPAs, endocrine disrupting chemicals, PVC plastic, nitrates & nitrites, and heavy metals. Prepping the fresh stuff takes a little more time and effort, but it’s worth the few extra minutes to me.

Instead of corn starch – Many recipes call for corn starch as a thickening agent, but I try to stay away form the stuff as it’s highly processed and has little to no nutritional value. My favorite substitutes that can be used interchangeably in soups are arrowroot powder and tapioca flour.

I think [this] is one of my favorite things about soups – the possibility, the flexibility, and the ability to make it your own. For me, “making it my own” means finding ways to increase the protein and micronutrients, and honestly…it’s kinda fun to find the *best* version of these already amazing recipes.

10 soup recipes I’m loving this season

Nearly every year starting on the first day of fall, I set a goal to make one new soup a week until spring – that’s about 26 soup recipes I’m trying every year, minus a few that I repeat regularly because they’re just that good. (I tolddddd you I love soup season!) And while I didn’t feel called to go all out like ^^that^ this year, I’m still simmering soup on the stove as a part of our weekly meal rotations.

Nothing says cozy and comforting, especially during the colder months, like a bubbly bowl of soup finished with crunchy & cheesy & creamy toppings and always a side of homemade sourdough bread. These ten soup recipes are flavorful, nourishing, and filling, and I hope you enjoy them just as much as we do.


Can I count on burning my tongue every time we make this one?? Yes, yes I can, because it’s just too good not to dig right in. If chicken noodle soup and tomato soup had a baby, this would be the result. Oh…and while the parmesan, pesto, and squeeze of fresh lemon on top are considered “optional”, do yourself a favor and add these boujie extras for what’s quite possibly the best soup you’ll ever have.


Funny story – when Bob and I were still dating I made this chili for him. I tried doubling it for the first time (I now double it every time and even triple it if I want to can some for long-term storage) but didn’t have the right sized pot and ended up with chiil all over his kitchen…oops!. It’s my go-to for potlucks and parties, makes *the best* chili dogs, and is amazing when topped with green onions and a dollop of sour cream. This one should be given a few hours to simmer, so I always make it on a slow Sunday. (PS – my sister swears this version with beans is just as good if not better!)


Ya girl L-O-V-E-S Thai food, and this soup is one of my favorite, no-fuss ways to recreate it at home. It takes just 30 minutes to make but tastes like it’s been simmering at that popular local Thai spot all day long. This recipe calls for instant top ramen noodles, but I’m not a fan of those ingredients, so I use this rice-based ramen instead and it turns out amazing every time.


Shout out to Damn Delicious because this is the second of her soups that have made my list…all of her recipes are s’good! Anyway, this soup is the soul reason I try my hand at growing butternut squash in our garden every year. Despite the simple ingredient list, this one has soooooo much flavor. I like using small sweet peppers instead of red bell pepper, top it with feta instead of goat cheese, and think it tastes the best also garnished with homemade croutons.


If you like lasagna then you’ll go crazy for this soup. Because we’ve already established that I can’t make a soup recipe without 1) doubling it and 2) giving it my own personal spin, I tweak this one by using half sausage and half ground beef (a pound of each when doubling it) and substituting these brown rice lasagna noodles. Unlike lasagna that can take a few hours to make, this one comes together in the time it takes to brown the meat and cook the noodles…perfect for a mid-week dinner.


I’ll never forget the first time I made this soup. Bob looked at me (mid-mouthful) and said “we shoulda made more!” Rich & creamy & smoky & spicy…if you’ve got a craving for deep fried, cheesy appetizers on a Friday night, this one hits the spot with all the same flavors but wayyyyyyy less guilt.


I ~literally~ just tried this soup earlier this week, then proceeded to text the recipe to everyone I know, so it HAD to be included on this list. For some reason I don’t cook with chipotle often, but every time I do I promise myself to incorporate it more. The smokiness of the chipotle combined with the sweetness of the potato gives this a complex but comforting flavor you’ll end up craving on the regular.


We’ve already established that it’s soup season, but here in the PNW it’s also mushroom season and those bad boys can be found EV-ERY-WHERE. This soup is beyond simple to make, but there’s something special about using so many beautiful mushrooms. I love making this soup as the vegetable side dish to steak or smoked chicken thighs.


This recipe is amazing as is, but if you keep the tomato bisque and add my smoked Italian meatball recipe instead, it’s…well…over the top. While my garden is officially closed for business, this is the perfect soup to use the fresh tomatoes and basil you had growing all summer. Mmmmmmm, I can taste this one just typing about it and will without a doubt be adding it to next week’s menu with a side of garlic bread.


I found this recipe when I followed the AIP diet for a month when starting the journey to naturally manage my endometriosis. There are only a few meals I still make from that time, and this soup is one of them. Anytime I’m starting to feel under the weather, I make this not-super-hearty but oh-so-healthy-and-fresh soup and it almost always does the trick.

RELATED POST: The Time I Went AIP For a Month & The Recipes I’m Still Using Today

My take on meal prepping

To some people, meal prepping means pre-proportioning their food and even weighing it, but calorie counting and macro tracking are not what I’m talkin’ about here. My take on planning and prepping meals means making sure I have as much done ahead of time as possible so we can even enjoy soup mid-week.

I peel & chop the veggies in advance. I cook the meat on the weekends and keep it in the fridge. I pre-measure the seasoning and store the mixture in the pantry. Having everything ready to go on soup night means less work in the kitchen and more time enjoying the meal around the table.

Anytime soup requires hours of simmering (the only recipe I shared that does is the chili), I save it for a Sunday. Otherwise, all the soups above come together in about thirty minutes, and less when I utilize the crockpot, pressure cooker, and tactics above. Don’t let “lack of time” be your reason excuse for not enjoying soup this season, sweet friend!

Let’s talk leftovers

You’ve made your pot of soup, and if you’re smart you’ve doubled if not tripled the recipe because leftovers are #bless lifesavers. Reheating soup is not only ridiculously easy, but it makes healthy lunches and dinners for days on end, and…let’s be honest…always tastes better the second time around.

If there’s only enough soup for a few extra meals, we portion it out into these glass containers as soon as dinner is over. Plastic tupperware can leach phthalates and BPA into the food (especially if the soup is still hot or when reheating in the microwave) and will warp, melt, and crack over time. While a bit heavier and bulkier, glass is the safest way to store and reheat soup.

When saving larger batches of soup for weeks or even months down the road, I spoon it into these silicone loaf pans then place them in the freezer. Once frozen, the block of soup is easily removed and I use this vacuum sealer for long-term storage. The rectangular shape stacks perfectly in the freezer and each block contains 2-4 servings of soup (depending on what you consider a serving ;)) which future Amanda is always thankful for during those super busy weeks.  

A final message for you, my fellow soup lover

Meal prepping and even eating “healthy” doesn’t have to be about counting calories, and it most certainly doesn’t need to be complicated, expensive, or time-consuming to be effective. A little intention when choosing ingredients and how to cook & store your food is all it takes to move the needle. Let’s start normalizing multi-passionate women doing all the things that bring them joy, making time for their health, and prioritizing good food in the process.

RELATED POST: How to Make Time For Your Health Among the Hustle

My (not so secret or special), stress-free, no-shame, love-me-a-shortcut superpower is meal prepping, and ^^these^^ soup recipes are the ones I think every fellow busy & ambitious gal should have saved. If you like these, make sure you’re following me on Pinterest as I’m always trying and adding more recipes to my “nourish” board every week.

Oh…and never, ever hesitate to send any of your favorite soup recipes my way!

– Amanda

Disclaimer: The content provided here does not constitute medical advice, nor is it a substitute for personalized healthcare. I’m a doctor, but I’m not your doctor. If you have concerns about a medical condition, diagnosis, or treatment, you should consult with a licensed healthcare professional.

Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. No pressure, but I have a feeling you’re gonna like what I’ve taken the time to put my recommendation behind.

The post 10 Soup Recipes I’m Making on Repeat This Season appeared first on Make + Manifest.

The Stocking Stuffer Gift Guide Every Woman Wants You to Read Mon, 11 Nov 2024 14:32:57 +0000 Stocking stuffers have the potential to steal the show on Christmas morning, and this stocking stuffer gift guide for women has everything you need to spoil her, surprise her, and make her feel seen.

The post The Stocking Stuffer Gift Guide Every Woman Wants You to Read appeared first on Make + Manifest.

It’s that time of year again, friend! ‘Tis the season of early nights & twinkling lights & a rotation of hot beverages in your mug & cheesy holiday movies by the fire &&& a color-coordinated google calendar jam packed with travel, to-do’s, events, errands, and reminder pings a plenty. (My phone has buzzed three times in the last hour with a little nudge nudge wink wink from past me who *knew* I’d loose track of tomorrow’s can’t-forget tasks…God bless past Amanda.)

RELATED POST: Meet Your New Favorite [Warm & Nourishing] Morning Drink

RELATED POST: How to Make Time for Your Health Among the Hustle

If you can relate to this level of busy, then I’m here to check in today – to say that I see you, I feel you, and I can assure you with certainty you’re not the only one trying to live out the #tooblessedtobestressed sentiment while juggling, balancing, and tightrope walking that fine line between merry and messy crying into a bowl of sugar cookie dough. (Ya girl’s got talent, but she’s not in the circus, m’kayyyyyy!?!?)

Your people might be expecting a lot of you these days, and I know you’d never let them down. You’re freakin’ wonder woman after all!!!!! Whether you’re a wrap-it-perfectly or a throw-it-in-a bag-and-call-it-good kinda gal, you’re getting [it] done (and lookin’ good doing it, I might add ;)), and if the holidays are gonna depend on anyone, I’m glad it’s you. 

But before you get back to your list making and cookie baking, I have a liiiiiiiittle something that might help ease the stress (*drumroll please*)…dun duh daaaa!

Enterrrrrr the 2024 stocking stuffer gift guide

Every year I put together an intentional list of holistic & beautiful & practical & quality & get-yourself-one-while-you’re-at-it items that are perfect for filling stockings and making them the show-stopper event of Christmas morning – presents with the potential to spoil, surprise, and make someone feel seen. I think finding gifts can be just as much fun as giving (and receiving) them, but that doesn’t mean it needs to be complicated or time-consuming.

Now I’m gonna be honest, some of this year’s gifts might require an extra large stocking (these are the beautiful hand-knit stockings I invested in when Sloan was born and I can’t wait to watch them become a family heirloom), but I’m sure no one would judge if you snuck them under the tree either…just sayin’.

This is a mix of my favorite things *and* wish list-worthy items I wouldn’t mind finding hanging on my fireplace this year. Whether you use this as inspo for your own Christmas list (#noshame) or it makes bringing joy to someone else’s holidays a little easier, I hope you’re motivated by generosity, love, and the spirit of giving this season.

Splurge-worthy subscriptions & services

Continuous Blood Sugar Monitoring App – Food logging, habit tracking, and continuous blood sugar monitoring all in one place? Yes please!!! Levels helps you determine glycemic variability (how your blood sugar changes based on diet, sleep, stress, etc.), track your body’s reaction to individual foods, and expose metabolic dysfunction. If there’s someone on your list who’s looking to up-level their health in the new year, this is for them.

Toxin-Free Deodorant Subscription – When I was diagnosed with endometriosis, I slowly started making the switch to all-natural products, and Primally Pure’s deodorant was my very first purchase. Not only does it smell amazing (the vanilla citrus & lemongrass are my favorite), but it *actually* works aaaaaand you can get it on subscription so it’s automatically shipped to your door and you never run out.

Professional Color Analysis – I treated myself to a virtual color analysis with Francesca, a professional stylist earlier this year, then proceeded to tell everyone I know about it and even gift it to my mom. I learned my color season (hello, my fellow autumns!), my best neutrals and metallics, and the lip, blush, eyeliner, and eye shadow shades I should be wearing to enhance my features. Having this information has not only changed how I shop for clothing, makeup, and jewelry, but has also made me feel more confident in my style choices.

At-Home Lab Testing Membership – After my miscarriage late last year, I went on a mission to understand my body on a whole new level, and the convenience of at-home testing blew me away. Everlywell+ is a program that allows you to choose between twenty tests and twelve virtual care services each month. From hormone levels to thyroid function, food sensitivity, and fertility…get a better feel for how your body functions all from home here.

Toxin-free beauty

The Best Eyebrow Pencil – I’ve been on a multiple-year mission to completely eliminate chemicals from my makeup routine, and I had successfully replaced everything buttttttt my eyebrow pencil. I finally found a clean brow pencil that has the perfect sized tip, comes in all the colors, lasts all day, and has proven to effectively multitask as eyeliner too. Pair it with the brow gel and you’ve found yourself the ultimate gift.

All-Natural Sunless Tanner – One of the best parts of summer is that warm, healthy glow, but as a PNW girl that’s gone by autumn. I’ve tried a few other self-tanners, but the ingredients are always a little sketch or the results are less than descent. This face tanning water adds natural looking color that builds over time, is easy to apply, and has no weird smell. This brand also makes a body tanning foam that’s just as good.

Coffee Face Mask – I use and love Primally Pure for all things all-natural skincare, so whenever they come out with a new product I hit purchase ASAP. Their recently released coffee face mask is *almost* as wonderful as your first sip of coffee in the morning, both in how it feels and smells and in its ability to tighten & tone tired skin, boost collagen production, and provide antioxidants. Use code DRDAVIS at checkout for 10% off your entire Primally Pure purchase.

Clean (& Amazing Smelling) Perfume – By now we all know fragrance is a carcinogen and endocrine disruptor, and it’s nearly impossible to find a perfume that doesn’t list it as a primary ingredient. I was skeptical when I tried Dime’s clean perfumes, but I can wear them with zero reaction or sensitivity and they smell amazing. This sample set allows the receiver of your stocking to try them all and pick their favorite (mine is “I Love Your Smell, Baby” ;)).

Classic style

Affordable Mongolian Cashmere Sweater – You guys…I did it! I found the perfect sweater! It mayyyyy require a little bit bigger stocking, but it’s totally #worthit. I own this ridiculously soft, perfectly cut, not too warm, wildly versatile, and super affordable closet staple in three colors and wear it multiple times per week. I even got Bob the guy’s quarter zip version because he can’t keep his hands off me when I have this sweater on.

Wool Baseball Cap – When I had longer hair, the weekends meant I was rockin’ the mom bun. Now that I’m sporting a chin-length bob, I resort to a baseball cap on the days I don’t feel like washing my hair. This adjustable wool cap has a classic fit but is warmer than your average baseball hat for the fall and winter months and cute enough to wear with just about anything.

Engravable & Adjustable Bracelet – I own multiple pieces of Gorjana jewelry because of their timeless style, great quality, and reasonable prices. My newest addition is this delicate adjustable bracelet that can be personalized and I wear it every single day and get compliments on it regularly. It goes with everything, is great for layering, and can mean so much depending on what you choose to engrave on it.

Woven Leather Belt Bag – You’ve likely seen this adorable crossbody purse all over the internet, then looked at the cost and quickly closed out of that tab. Well this beauty is a quarter of the price and I can’t say enough about how stylish but practical this bag is for a busy mama who has a lot to carry but needs her hands free at all times.

Unconventional self-care

My Favorite Menstrual Cup – Yes, I 10000000% think a menstrual cup is an appropriate stocking stuffer gift, especially if the woman you’re treating is 1) menstruating and 2) open to trying a period management option that’s cheaper, healthier than many other options out there, and creates less waste. The Saalt cup is my current favorite and you can use code DRDAVIS15 at checkout for 15% off your entire Saalt purchase.

Scalp Massager – You know how nice it is when your hairdresser washes your hair? This kindaaaaa feels like that. This hair cleansing brush now has a permanent place in our shower, and I use it every time I lather up. Beyond providing the best mini head massage, it also removes scalp build-up and promotes hair growth.

Facial Cups Set – As a physical therapist, I use and prescribe cupping all the time for muscle tension, so when Primally Pure introduced their facial cupping set, I was sold. Botox and harsh chemical facials just aren’t for me (no judgment if they are for you), so I’m always looking for an all-natural way to lift & firm & brighten & plump, and adding this to my skincare regimen just a few times a week is doing the trick! Remember…code DRDAVIS will get you 10% off your entire Primally Pure purchase.

Portable Red Light – In 100% full transparency, I do not own a red light. I have, however, heard and read about the benefits of using one – lowered inflammation, increased collagen production, improved cellular turnover, reduced joint inflammation, faster healing – and I’ve been wanting to add it to my wellness routine FOR-EV-ER. This is the portable red light I have my eye on, and my fingers are crossed that Santa makes it happen this year.

Miscellaneous must-haves

Mini Polaroid Keepsake Box – If you’re also obsessed with the mini polaroids that come from this camera or this printer (I have both and can testify they would also make amazing stocking stuffers), then this gold & glass keepsake box to display them in is a must. Everyone in our family and any guests that come over love opening the box and looking through all the photos we’ve taken over the years.

The Phone Case I’m Obsessed With – When my plastic phone case broke earlier this year, I went on the hunt for a new one that’s sturdy and functional but also looks good and matches my style. I stumbled upon this silicone iphone case that comes in the cutest colors, fits & protects the phone and camera perfectly, and is…soft? (never thought I’d say that about a phone case, but after this one it’s now a requirement).

Magnetic Book Marks – I’m all for the convenience of a kindle (yet another great stocking stuffer idea), but there’s something to be said for holding a ~real~ book in your hand and actually feeling & smelling & turning the pages. If you agree, then these minimalist magnetic bookmarks are for you. I would’ve LOVED having these is high school and college to keep track of all my tests and textbooks.

Gold Bag Clips – Praise the good Lord above, there are more and more brands coming out with healthy chips options (i.e. clean ingredients and no seed oils), and as a savory & salty snacker, this is news worth sharing. I love finding little ways to romanticize life and make even the most mundane things magical, and these stainless steel gold clips make me smile every time I put them on a bag of chips and see them in my pantry.

Safety & preparedness (but make it cute)

Pepper Spray – In the event of an emergency, every woman should feel confortable and confident that she has at least one way to defend herself. This pepper spray has a longer spray time and further reach than most brands, and I love this three-pack so you can either gift to multiple women or pack one in multiple places.

A Classy Brass Whistle – Yeah, I even want the whistle I carry to be cute, and this one looks great on my keychain. Having a whistle on walks & runs, while hiking & camping, and just in case of an emergency situation is an easy way to feel a little safer and more prepared.

2-In-1 Seatbelt Cutter & Window Breaker – This is one of those items you want to have but hope to never use. We keep one seatbelt cutter & window breaker in every vehicle, and when Sloan get’s older we’ll store one where it’s accessible in the backseat as well. “Better safe than sorry” is a motto I live by when it comes to safety, and there’s no reason not to invest in this tool for peace of mind alone.

Compact First Aid Kit – I love everything MyMedic makes, but if you’re looking for a stocking stuffer-sized first aid kit with everything you need for minor injuries, this one is perfect. With 70 items inside, including a guide on first aid & survival, everyone on your list will appreciate this gift.

Still need more stocking stuffer ideas? I got you, girl!

I say it every year because it always proves true…those small stocking stuffers have the potential to steal the show on Christmas morning. If you agree, then the list above along with my past stocking stuffer gift guides below (which I double checked to make sure I still endorse and the answer is a resounding yes!) are your one-stop-shop for presents that are sure to please.

RELATED POST: The Mindful Woman’s Gift Guide to Thoughtful Stocking Stuffers

RELATED POST: A Meaningful & Minimal “Wellness” Stocking Stuffer Guide

There are a few things that can add stress and overwhelm to the holidays, but stocking filling and gift giving should never be on that list. The magic of the season is upon us, friend…soak up every second of the festivities.

– Amanda

Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. No pressure, but I have a feeling you’re gonna like what I’ve taken the time to put my recommendation behind.

The post The Stocking Stuffer Gift Guide Every Woman Wants You to Read appeared first on Make + Manifest.

Hey Ladies, How’s Your Man’s Pelvic Health? Sun, 27 Oct 2024 21:57:18 +0000 You asked…I listened. We’re talkin’ about men’s pelvic health – pelvic floor anatomy, causes, signs, & symptoms of male pelvic floor dysfunction, and my favorite resources to address it all.

The post Hey Ladies, How’s Your Man’s Pelvic Health? appeared first on Make + Manifest.

Men’s health month is in June, buttttttt I’m writing from the middle of October. It’s so October, in fact, that my husband helped me brainstorm all the talking points for this blog post (thanks, babe!) on the way to a fall festival where we indulged in apple cider donuts, went down slides on burlap sacks, and tromped through fields of mud to pick the perfect pumpkins for our front porch.

So why the sudden post about men’s pelvic health when the 100+ other blogs I’ve written so far are specifically for women? Well, first of all…I’ve had a few requests to cover this topic from readers like you. Second, I’ve encountered more “wait…guys can have pelvic floor problems too?!” kinda questions in the clinic and I love having a quick resource to send people to.

Enterrrrrrr my first ever (but maybe not last…you’ll have to tell me what you think!) post about men’s pelvic health. As a pelvic rehab therapist for the military population, half of my patients are males. And if I’m being totally honest, I actually think men are easier to treat because there aren’t hormone imbalances, menstrual cycles, or childbirth events complicating things in the background.

What make guys harder to treat are the stigma, shame, and lack of education and conversation around the whole pelvic health situation, but that’s what brings me here today. The more men know about their anatomy, what’s abnormal, and where to go for answers, the more confident they’ll be admitting there’s a problem and asking for help. 

First, a little anatomy lesson

The pelvic floor is a sling in the bottom of the pelvis that runs from pubic bone to tailbone (front to back) and between the sit bones (side to side). It’s made up of three layers of muscles whose jobs include sphincter control of the bowel and bladder, sexual function, and stabilizing the spine, hips, pelvis, and pelvic organs.

Both men and women have a pelvic floor, and when you see them side by side (like in this picture) you’ll notice they actually looks quite similar. The primary differences between the two is that 1) the female pelvic floor has three holes that pass through it whereas the male’s only has two, and 2) the female pelvis (and therefore pelvic floor) is generally wider than a male’s.

A message for my fellow ladies

Ok ladies, the rest of this post is going to be geared towards the guys, but if you want to keep reading and learning…more power to ya! The fact that you’re still here probably means you’ve got a man (or two) comin’ to mind, and both he and I thank you in advance for prioritizing his pelvic health.

If you’re looking for a few ways to help, may I first recommend forwarding this along to any and every guy with a pelvic floor (PS – that’s all of them ;)). I’m guessing pelvic floor dysfunction is more prevalent than men make it out to be, and you never know who’s silently suffering behind the scenes. Next you might consider grabbing him a book from the recommendations below, or if you’re feeling especially generous, treat him to a virtual consult with yours truly. From there, your steady support means the world to him…I’m sure of it.

Aaaaaaand now one for the guys

Guys, let’s cut to the chase, eh? You’re either here because the Google and algorithm gods did you a solid or a lady in your life sent you the link. Either way, I’m so happy to have ya in my little corner of the world wide web. I’m a certified pelvic rehab therapist, and while I treat both the male and female population in the clinic, just one peek at the rest of my posts and you’ll see that women are my primary audience [here]. The good news is that many of the same principles for healing your pelvic floor apply, so feel free to browse the “related posts” I’ve linked throughout!

If this is your first exposure to any and all things pelvic health, then settle on in because it’s the perfect place to start. I’ve got a lot of information to share, but am always applying my “less is more” approach on the subject to keep things realistic and relatable with real results on the other side. Sound good? Let’s get to it!

Signs & symptoms of male pelvic floor dysfunction

Once you know where the pelvic floor is (check!) and what it’s responsible for (check!), it’s easier to determine if the issues you’re experiencing are caused by pelvic floor dysfunction. In order for this to all make sense, let me remind you that this is a complex area with multiple layers, systems, and responsibilities. So if there is, in fact, pelvic floor dysfunction, it’s going to cause issues both locally and in other areas of the body.

By now you’re likely wondering…is this me?…do I have pelvic floor problems? And since I can’t physically examine you, I’ve found sharing the typical signs of pelvic floor dysfunction is the next best way to answer this question. Some of these may surprise you, so read all the way through to learn the most common symptoms.


About 10% of middle-aged men experience bladder issues, and that prevalence only increases with age. But remember…”common” and “normal” are two very different things, and I don’t care how old you are or how long these concerns have been going on, there’s likely something you can do about it.

  • Leakage – urine leaving the urethra any time you don’t want or expect it to…even if it’s “just a little bit”
  • Urgency – a strong and sudden “gotta go” feeling that can feel uncontrollable, uncomfortable, and sometimes result in urine leakage
  • Frequency – urinating more than 6-8 times per day, or more than once every 2-3 hours
  • Nocturia – the need to wake up and urinate at night (unless you’re over the age of 60, then you get a pass for one trip to the restroom per night)
  • Hesitancy – difficulty urinating with a slow (longer than 30 seconds from start to finish) or inconsistent urine stream
  • Dysuria – pain with urination that can occur in the penis, testicles, lower abdomen, low back, or pelvic floor

If you don’t know where you land when it comes to some of these bladder benchmarks, specifically urinary urgency, frequency, and time, tracking it for a few days is the best way to find out. The Bladderly app is the easiest and most convenient place to record bladder habits and patterns and see improvement over time as you address your pelvic health.

RELATED POST: Urinary Urgency & Frequency? You’ve Gotta Stop Making These 5 [Big] Bladder Mistakes

RELATED POST: It’s Called a [REST]room for a Reason: 7 Bathroom Tips Your Bladder’s Begging You to Follow

RELATED POST: Read [THIS] If Coffee Irritates Your Bladder


If you just indulged in a Taco Bell chalupa supreme, then we can’t blame your bowels for going bazerk. But if those toilet troubles are becoming more consistent or are combined with other signs of pelvic floor dysfunction, that’s when the pelvic floor may be at play.

  • Constipation – less than three bowel movements per week and having to strain or aggressively push to pass stool
  • Incomplete emptying – the feeling of stool still being present in the rectum after having a bowel movement or sensation of blockage or obstruction in the rectum or anus
  • Leakage – stool leaving the anus any time you don’t want or expect it to…even if it’s “just a little bit”
  • Urgency – a strong and sudden “gotta go” feeling that can feel uncontrollable, uncomfortable, and sometimes result in bowel leakage
  • Hemorrhoids – swollen veins in the anus or rectum that can cause pain, itching, or bleeding, often associated with constipation
  • Anal fissures – a tear in the lining of the anus that can result in pain and bleeding during bowel movements, often associated with constipation

RELATED POST: 13 [Effective] Strategies for Natural Constipation Relief


“I’ve got a few personal questions…”, is how I start [this] conversation with every guy that comes in my clinic. And rather than resist, many of them sigh in relief because help really does exist for so many of the sexual symptoms men experience. Difficulty getting or maintaining an erection, pain with erection or ejaculation, premature ejaculation, and testicular or pelvic pain (associated with sexual activity or not) are all often caused by the pelvic floor, or it’s at least a contributing factor.


Because of where the pelvic floor attaches, it can create pain in the low back, hips, and groin. Pelvic floor muscle weakness can cause instability in the spine and joints whereas pelvic floor tightness can encourage secondary tension in these other structures. If you’ve tried “regular” physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, or chiropractor, and especially if you experience any of the above bladder, bowel, or sexual symptoms as well, it’s possible your pelvic floor is the culprit.

Causes of male pelvic floor dysfunction

We’ve already covered that the pelvic floor is muscle. And like every other muscle in the body, there are two main reasons they start to rebel – weakness and tightness. What I’ve found in my clinic (and what you’ll see here) is that a majority of male pelvic floor issues stem from pelvic floor tension.

I liken it to a fist…your hand should be able to make a fist, but it shouldn’t be stuck in a fist. A hand constantly clenched in a fist is painful, weak, and dysfunctional, and a tight pelvic floor is no different. So pelvic pain, back & hip pain, bladder, bowel, and sexual issues can all be caused by pelvic floor muscle tension, and getting to the bottom of how and why you have that tension to begin with is the best first step to seeing improvement in symptoms.

RELATED POST: 19 Reasons You Have a Tight Pelvic Floor (Plus…What to Do About It)

So let’s get to it, shall we? The following list is meant to be an eye-opening guide to help you not only continue to determine if you have pelvic floor dysfunction, but also where you can begin focusing your efforts to improve it. Do not, I repeat…DO NOT let this become a source of overwhelm. If two or more points resonate with you, you’re not alone. Set yourself up for success and pick the one that’s easiest or most convenient to address first (a path of least resistance kinda thing), then go from there.

Taking it one step further, at the end I’m sharing a few of my favorite resources for addressing allllllllll of this (*waves hands wildly*). No posting and ghosting here, my friend…I’ve got you! There’s hope and healing on the other side of this one, and I’m just as ready as you are.


Yeah…we’re divin’ right in, because over 60% of the adult population considers themselves stressed or anxious, and with those feelings often comes muscle tension. While most would vouch for an aching jaw or tight shoulders, the pelvic floor has the same response, it’s just not always as obvious as our awareness of “down there” is limited. I ~always~ ask my patients if their pelvic floor issues started around a time of stress, worry, or fear, and more often than not, there’s an *ahem* not-so-coincidental correlation.

RELATED POST: 3 [Shocking] Ways Your Pelvic Floor Responds to Stress

RELATED POST: Mantras, Meditation, & 14 Other Kiiiiinda Crunchy Practices for Stress Relief


Every time I talk about posture I remember my mom encouraging me to stand up straight and pull my shoulders back. Buttttttt…she was right (surprise, surprise), and now I know posture effects so much more than how I look. Posture – specifically pelvic posture – plays a HUGE role in pelvic floor tightness. A posterior pelvic tilt (glutes and abs clenched and tail tucked) promotes muscle tension by creating a “shorter” pelvic floor. This posturing is common when sitting in cars, desk chairs, and on the couch to name a few, and while standing at the urinal. Mindfulness and a bit of body awareness are all you need to correct this, making it one of my favorite places to start.

RELATED POST: The Importance (& Power) of Posture for Pelvic Health


Between binge-worthy Netflix series, a growing number of desk jobs, and an increased frequency of travel, people nowadays spend more time sitting than ever before. Sitting for extended periods causes hip and back tightness and poor blood flow to the pelvis. Add in the whole poor posture “thing” from above and you’ve created the perfect storm for a tight pelvic floor. While sitting is inevitable, taking stretch or stand breaks at least every thirty minutes (and being mindful of your posture in between) can significantly decrease the affects of prolonged sitting on the pelvic floor muscles.


This is one of those “chicken and the egg” situations, because chronic back and hip pain can cause pelvic floor muscle tension, but a tight pelvic floor can also create back and hip pain. At the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter who’s at fault, but rather that all issues are resolved, am I right!? A symptom timeline can help determine the difference, with the guilty culprit often being the issue that started first. Core and glute strengthening combined with deep hip stretching can be helpful when trying to decrease back and hip pain, and everything else you need for the pelvic floor is below.


Back, abdominal, and pelvic surgeries (the most common I see in men being appendectomy, vasectomy, and hernia repair) create adhesion at and around the area of surgery and can cause pulling, tension, and tightness in the surrounding muscles, fascia, and nerves. Some of these surgeries also involve mesh, which just adds to the mess. If you realize your pelvic floor symptoms started within a year of surgery, the secondary effects of that procedure may be to blame. The good news is that there’s something that can be done about it.


Jobs that require carrying or wearing heavy gear or equipment, especially on the back or around the belt, can result in pressure and tension on the pelvic floor. These also tend to be high-stress jobs (see above), contribute to poor posture (see above for that one too), and add to back and hip pain also (yep…you guessed it…we already covered that one as well). While you can’t necessarily say “no thanks” to said gear, you can do you best to make sure it fits you appropriately and the load is properly distributed. Keeping your core and hips strong with resistance training will also make it easier for your body to support the load.

RELATED POST: PS – Deep Core Strengthening Is Easier (& More Essential) Than You Think


Pain that’s been present for a significant amount of time is bound to affect other areas of the body. And because muscles respond to pain by tensing up, surprise, surprise!!!…the pelvic floor typically follows suit. A tight pelvic floor often tags along or results from pain caused by fibromyalgia, diabetes, cancer, and arthritis, and the vicious pain-tension cycle can ensue. Getting these chronic diseases and their symptoms under control as best as possible is key as you work simultaneously to decrease pelvic floor muscle tension.

RELATED POST: Relax These [Other] 6 Body Parts to Release Pelvic Floor Tension


Trauma or abuse in any form and at any age can lead to pelvic floor muscle tightness. Humans carry many of their emotions in the pelvis, and if you’ve experienced physical, mental, or emotional abuse, the pelvic floor will “close off” as a defense mechanism. Treating pelvic floor dysfunction in conjunction with talking to a mental health specialist is a helpful route to take in these situations.


Ok…so I want to finish by being clear that there are other things that can cause the bowel, bladder, sexual, and musculoskeletal symptoms we’ve discussed. Cancer, prostate issues, urinary tract infections (UTIs), and sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) can all create them too. But once your doctor (or urologist, oncologist, or GI specialist) has ruled out the big, bad, and ugly, you can pursue pelvic floor physical therapy with confidence, excitement, and peace of mind.

Why [this] is worth addressing

I hope by now I don’t have to convince you that ^^this^^ is worth addressing, but if you’re still not sold or those excuses are already starting to creep up, permit me to put you on pause while I plead my case. I’m passionate about addressing male pelvic floor dysfunction because I know how easy it can be to fix with the right education and guidance. I also appreciate the hesitation and even humiliation are real, but they’re worth getting over for the reasons here.


Not to be a negative Nellie, but these kinds of things don’t just disappear. In fact, I find (and maybe you have too) that they only get more frequent, severe, irritable, and complex over time. The faster you catch pelvic floor dysfunction, the easier it is to treat, so sitting there, crossing your fingers, and hoping it gets better is kinda silly (no offense).


Do me a favor and scroll back up to all the signs and symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction…now imagine that every box you checked is no longer an issue. Less pain, better sex, no more worry, stress, or embarrassment mean a better quality of life for you all around. Why merely manage or power through when you could be vibrant, thriving, and healthy!?


I had to experience this one for myself, but its true! I can’t tell you how many men I’ve treated for testicular pain, bladder leakage, erectile dysfunction, etc., and in the end they come back reporting they can move faster, lift heavier, and last longer in their workouts. Healing the pelvic floor improves muscle function, strength, and length, breath control, and body awareness, all of which naturally seem to carry over to gains in the gym.

Where to start

Not to toot my own horn, but toot freakin’ toot…a pelvic rehab therapist really is the best person to treat everything I’ve mentioned here. While the profession is growing, it can still be difficult to find a specialist in your area, and even harder to find one that treats men. But remember…healing and relief is possible, so I’ve rounded up a few accessible and actionable (like right now!) places for you to start.


I will forever preach that books are the cheapest and most convenient form of education. And if you’re a reader and/or DIY’er like me, then this would be the best place to start with the lowest barrier to entry. Now where are there bananas and eggplants on the front of all these books? Good question. I promise the information inside makes up for the cringy cover choices…girl scout’s honor.

  • “The Penis Book” by Aaron, Spitz, MD – Dr. Spitz covers it all – erections, masturbation, piercings, and kegels – in an educational yet engaging way most men appreciate. He even makes a few shout-outs to pelvic rehab therapists! I tell most of my male patients to buy this book and they come back so thankful for the recommendation.
  • “Pelvic Pain The Ultimate Cock Block” by Susie Gronski, DPT – Fellow pelvic rehab therapist, Dr. Gronski, shares the latest research on male pelvic pain then follows it up with real life-approved advice that I’ve personally seen produce results. She utilizes a full-body approach (my favorite) that I also think you’re gonna love.
  • “Penis Exercises” by Richard Howard, PH – This book’s subtitle is “a healthy book for enlargement, enhancement, hardness, and health”…need I say more? I wouldn’t start with this one if you have pelvic pain, bowel or bladder issues, but if your concerns have more to do with erections and ejaculation, read away, my friend.


All this information can be a bit overwhelming, and while that’s not my intent, sometimes good ol’ analysis paralysis sneaks in and stops the best of us dead in our tracks, even if the motivation’s there #guilty. Working one-on-one with a pelvic rehab therapist is thee best way to nix confusion and get results quickly when it comes to treating pelvic floor dysfunction and all the symptoms that come along with it. Schedule an appointment (and start seeing positive change in your pelvic health) today! I’ve helped hundreds and hundreds of men do the same, and there’s no reason you can’t too.


If you prefer to work with a pelvic rehab therapist in person, click here to find the closest one to you. I then recommend you call to see if they treat the male population and if you’re feeling brave, specify what you’re experiencing to be sure you’re a good fit.

What are you waiting for?

They say there’s a first for everything, and it was my absolute pleasure to create this resource for men’s pelvic health on a women’s wellness blog. There’s so much more I could say, especially when it comes to *how* to treat male pelvic floor dysfunction, but my hope is that a seed has been planted so you can start taking action. So what are you waiting for, friend? You now know what’s wrong & why & what to do…get to it!

– Amanda

Disclaimer: The content provided here does not constitute medical advice, nor is it a substitute for personalized healthcare. I’m a doctor, but I’m not your doctor. If you have concerns about a medical condition, diagnosis, or treatment, you should consult with a licensed healthcare professional.

Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. No pressure, but I have a feeling you’re gonna like what I’ve taken the time to put my recommendation behind.

The post Hey Ladies, How’s Your Man’s Pelvic Health? appeared first on Make + Manifest.

10 Secret (& Essential) Steps to the Perfect Sauna Experience Mon, 21 Oct 2024 11:49:12 +0000 Want the perfect sauna experience? We already know the benefits of taking a sauna, but adding these (fun & kinda fancy) extras is sure to up-level and satisfaction and self-care.

The post 10 Secret (& Essential) Steps to the Perfect Sauna Experience appeared first on Make + Manifest.

I don’t mean to brag, but I, Amanda Davis, am kinda a pro at romanticizing life. Give me a mundane moment and I will easily make it a bit more magical. Morning coffee? Pour it in a beautiful handmade mug. Making dinner? Put on a dance-worthy playlist in the background. Taking a sauna? Wellllllllllll, my secrets to making [that] experience far more special than just sitting in the silence and sweating your you-know-what off is what I’m excited to share today.

Saunas have been around for ages, but it’s only in the last few years that they’ve become popular here in the US. It’s impossible to scroll any social platform without seeing a sauna add, and they’re starting to pop up in spas, gyms, and even doctor’s offices all across the country.

We bought a sauna earlier this year (more on why we made that splurge of a purchase here in a second), and honestly…I was skeptical at first. But with a little more research under my belt and the practice needed to make it *chefs kiss* perfect, I’m now a believer and am 100% here for the hype.

There’s something so serene, even surreal about stepping in a sauna and soaking in the heat. Days are busy, time is precious, and the decision to pause life purposefully for self-care…mmmmmm, there’s nothing better. Even if you difficulty with sitting still (me!) or complete silence (also me!), it surprisingly doesn’t take much to make sauna time something you anticipate and even enjoy.

Studies prove that simply sitting in a sauna and sweating benefits both the body and brain, but my libra tendencies to take everything over the top, combined with a mind for multitasking, has discovered more. I believe the sauna can be a nourishing ritual that not only contributes to my health, but slows me down, grounds me, and brings me peace.

Benefits of taking a sauna

About a year ago my husband became a firefighter, and around that time we also started learning about the health risks associated with the otherwise amazing career. Our research led us to look into the benefits of a sauna, so we saved up, found one on sale, and have been spending 20-30 minutes sweating in our backyard nearly every night since.

RELATED POST: Life Lately: 10 Wellness “Trends” I’m Trying (& Loving)

As someone who budgets like a BA, it was hard for me to drop our hard-earned money on something that felt so fancy and even frivolous. But if we’re going to invest in anything, it’s going to be our health, because not only does it prove that our wellness is worthy, but the reward outweighs the risks every time. There are SO. MANY. BENEFITS. to taking a sauna, and I’ve personally experienced many of the promised perks.

RELATED POST: Health Is Wealth, So Let’s Talk Money, Honey

Improves circulation. The heat in a sauna causes blood vessels to dilate in an effort to cool the body. This increased circulation improves cardiovascular function & strength and sends more oxygen & nutrients to our other systems. It’s literally a cardio workout…but without the work.

Detoxification. The body’s detoxification system is like a funnel – a lot can get dumped in but the exit is narrow. Saunas promote sweating which is a primary way the body eliminates toxins like heavy metals, chemicals, endocrine disruptors, and other waste products. All the other benefits below are, in part, byproducts of a “cleaner” system.

Relieves muscle & joint pain. Heat promotes muscle relaxation and can reduce aching joints, plus the detoxification process reduces inflammation in the body to contribute to this as well. This can be especially beneficial after intense physical activity or for those who suffer from cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and other autoimmune disorders.

Promotes relaxation, stress relief & overall mental health. Sweating activates the parasympathetic response system which lowers cortisol (the “stress hormone”), releases endorphins and pheromones for better mood & focus, and promotes relaxation and a feeling of wellbeing in general.

Boosts skin health. Not only does sweating open our pores and cleans our skin (there’s that detoxification pathway again!), but it also promotes cell turnover and collagen production, both of which can lead to plumper, smoother skin and wrinkle reduction.

Increases immune function. The sauna works proactively on the immune system by increasing white blood cell production and enhancing mitochondria function, and reactively through heat by killing off infections and viruses.

Aids in recovery after exercise. We’ve already covered improved circulation, which sends more oxygen to the muscles for repair and regrowth. We’ve also discussed the helpfulness of heat for muscle and joint relief. Both of these benefits make a post-workout sauna a no-brainer.

Improves sleep. There’s a reason we always do our sauna right before bed. Not only is it ridiculously relaxing, but the heat helps the body produce hormones like melatonin, growth hormone, and prolactin, all of which aid in sleep. The temperature drop after the sauna also signals to the body that it’s time to rest.

Optimizes hormone health. Hormones are a chemical response to changes in the body’s environment. Less toxins and more cellular communication means better hormone function which leads to all the benefits above and more.

Enhances longevity. Um…did you just read through all those benefits?! Of course we’re more likely to live longer when regularly partaking in an activity with so many advantages. Head to toe health in twenty minutes a day sounds too good to be true, but I’m a believer.

PS – Some of these benefits come from the heat itself, but most of them are secondary to the act of sweating. If your body doesn’t sweat much (with exercise or warm environments), that’s a sign of a toxic burden on your system. Ways to improve this (beyond the sauna) include adding exercise, breath work, dry brushing, hydration, and nutrition into your wellness routine and avoiding things like stress, smoking, toxic skincare, clothing, and household products, and pharmaceuticals.

RELATED POST: You Might Be Overlooking [These] 10 Exercise Benefits

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I don’t know too many other wellness “hacks” that can boast this many benefits, which is why the sauna was ultimately an easy “yes” – in spending money on it initially and time in it (almost) every day. And guess what??? I still haven’t even shared how I personally level-up my sauna experience, so keep reading…it’s comin’!

Types of saunas

I understand saunas aren’t necessarily available to everyone, but they really are becoming more accessible and affordable. Growing up, I only ever saw a sauna at our local pool, and as I got older it was a treat when my mom let me enjoy it for a few minutes after swimming lessons. Now, thanks to technology, anyone can enjoy the sauna experience…even in their living room!

There are multiple types of saunas and each comes with its own unique approach to heat therapy and list of strengths. Understanding the differences can help you decide the best option for your specific needs and preferences.

Steam sauna. A room is filled with moist heat created by a generator that boils water and releases steam into the room. Temperatures are usually lower (100-120 degrees) but humidity is close to 100%. This is a great choice for those who are focused specifically on the respiratory, skin, and relaxation benefits.

Wood burning sauna. This is the most traditional type of sauna where a wood-burning stove is used to heat the room and water poured over the wood and stones creates steam. The temperature can be harder to control & maintain, but I imagine the authentic, wood-cracking atmosphere is unmatched.

Electric sauna. Many of the free-standing saunas you see nowadays (this is the one we have) use an electric heater to warm rocks and you can add water for steam if desired. They warm up fairly quickly with the turn of a dial, reach high temperatures that can be easily adjusted, and are easy to clean and maintain.

Infrared sauna. This option uses infrared light to directly heat the body rather than warming the air like the other alternatives above. The temperature stays lower, but the heat penetrates deeper into the skin promoting more cellular and detoxification benefits. I know quite a few people who swear by this infrared sauna for its price, portability, and all those positive benefits above.

My secret steps to a perfect sauna

Whether you have access to a sauna and want to enhance the experience or are sold on the strengths of taking a sauna and are curious to hear how it can get even better…this is it! I have ten kinda boujie, totally optional, but audaciously amazing extras worth adding to your next sauna sesh. I keep most of these tools in a tote bag and take them out with me for an extra dose of satisfaction & self-care.


I sweat *a lot* in the sauna, so I need a towel that can keep up. This towel is ridiculously absorbent, made with a chemical-free microfiber, and is interwoven with silver which is antimicrobial and protects it from odor-causing bacteria, mold, and mildew, and also self-cleans the towel between uses. Believe it or not…I can use this towel for an entire week of sauna sessions before it needs to go in the laundry!


Detoxification is a primary benefit of sweating, but beyond leaching toxins, the body also loses good stuff life water, electrolytes, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. This “clean” electrolyte supplement in a stainless steel bottle with ice water is my favorite way to replenish during and after the sauna.

RELATED POST: Take Control of Your Pelvic Health: 5 [Big] Reasons Hydration Matters & Easy Water Drinking Tips to Get You There


We’ve all heard the benefits of meditation, and the sauna would actually be the perfect place to incorporate it…but I’ve found something better. Superhuman App audios include affirmations, guided questions, and motivational music (aka – like meditation…but better), and *consistently* habit-stacking them with my sauna has changed me. The tracks I play on repeat in the sauna include “Grounding Evening Affirmations”, “Reset & Connect With Your Heart”, and “Whole Body Rejuvenation & Relaxation”.

RELATED POST: 13 Smartphone Apps Every [Health-Conscious] Woman Needs on Her Home Screen


We can pour water on the rocks of our electric sauna heater, and I loooooove adding essential oils for a little aromatherapy goodness. We use different oils depending on what it feels like we need – eucalyptus for respiratory health, lavender for relaxation, tea tree for cleansing, or a combo of all three. Just add a few drops of oil to water in a glass, bowel, or bottle, and pour it on the heat source a few times during each session.


Once my essential oils are goin’ and activation is playin’, I love dry brushing in the sauna before I get too sweaty. I’ve been using the dry brush from Primally Pure for years (use code DRDAVIS at checkout for 10% off your PP purchase) and feel like a biohacking queen adding another modality for detoxification, blood circulation, improved energy, and skin health. It takes just a few minutes, but it feels amazing and adds to the self-care experience.


Not every sauna has the option to lay down, but if it does, you’ve gotta get those legs elevated up the wall. May of us are in gravity-dependent sitting or standing positions all day, and turning things slightly upside down improves circulation, reduces swelling, calms the mind, and improves digestion. A fun pelvic floor fact: getting in this position for 5-10 minutes before falling asleep can help reduce the frequency of getting up at night to pee.


Many people only breathe with their chest and neck muscles, but the diaphragm, belly, and even pelvic floor (!!!) should all be participating. I call it “piston breathing” when the diaphragm and pelvic floor move together on inhale & exhale, and this helps increase pelvic floor strength, coordination, and control, improve digestion and gut mobility (i.e. constipation), slow the heart rate, calm the nervous system, and optimize oxygen consumption.

RELATED POST: The Power of Breath for Pelvic Floor Health: 6 Ways Breathing Can Help With Pain, Incontinence, Constipation & More

RELATED POST: 13 Effective Strategies for Natural Constipation Relief

RELATED POST: Mantras, Meditation, & 14 Other Kiiiiinda Crunchy Practices for Stress Relief

IMO, the sauna is the perfect place to practice piston breathing. Here’s now to do it –

  1. Either sitting or lying on your back, place one hand on your chest and one hand on your abdomen.
  2. Inhaling through your nose, gently fill your chest, abdomen, and pelvis with air as if your entire trunk is a balloon. With a bit of practice, you should feel your chest and abdomen expand into your hands and your pelvic floor faintly lower.
  3. Exhaling through your mouth, notice the chest and abdomen return and the pelvic floor slightly rise back to its starting position.


While I wait to shower until after the sauna (obviously), there’s nothing like going into the sauna with a clean face. I use Primally Pure’s cleansing oil and follow it up with their spray (plumping & soothing are my favorite). Once I’m in the sauna and everything else is set up, I rub a few drops of PP’s serum on my face (fancy face is my go-to) and take this opportunity for a little gua sha goodness. Then after the sauna (and shower), I finish with a moisturizing balm (the antioxidant balm is heavenly).

Before combining my skincare routine with the sauna, I mayyyyyybe got ^^this all^^ done once or twice a week. Now I have no excuse not to spend a few minutes of my sauna time pampering myself and prioritizing my skin health.

Psssssst…I’ve been a chemical-free skincare girly for years, but now it feels even more important that what I put on my face & body doesn’t undo the sauna’s detoxification benefits. As you can see, Primally Pure is my favorite brand for toxin-free skincare, not only because of the trustworthy ingredients, but also because it’s transformed my skin. Don’t forget to use code DRDAVIS at checkout for 10% off your PP purchase. Oh! And if you’re new to all things “clean” skincare, PP’s skin quiz is the perfect place to learn what products are best for you


I personally prefer to lay down in the sauna, and as my legs are up the wall, I’m listening to the activations, using the gua sha stones, and doing my breath work, I like to be as comfortable as possible. Adding this head & neck rest has upped my enjoyment factor from a six to a ten, so much so that I’ve actually fallen asleep in the sauna!


In full, 100%, complete transparency, I do not own a red light. I have, however, heard and read about the benefits of using one – reduced inflammation, increased collagen production, improved cellular, reduced joint inflammation, faster healing – and I can’t wait to add it to my sauna routine. This is the portable red light I have my eye on and my fingers are crossed that Santa makes it happen this year.

To sum up all things sauna…

Sometimes life’s about chasing the clock and checking the to-do box; other times (most times, I would argue) there’s an opportunity to add fun & fancy & frivolousness, and [this] is definitely one of them. You’re already in there for 20-30 minutes anyway…why not add two (or ten ;)) small upgrades to make it the perfect sauna experience.

There’s something so special about this daily ritual – to soak in the heat and spend time on your self, secluded from the world. If/when you can slip in some sauna time, I hope the items and activities listed in this post help you up-level your sauna and love it as much as I do.

– Amanda

Disclaimer: The content provided here does not constitute medical advice, nor is it a substitute for personalized healthcare. I’m a doctor, but I’m not your doctor. If you have concerns about a medical condition, diagnosis, or treatment, you should consult with a licensed healthcare professional.

Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. No pressure, but I have a feeling you’re gonna like what I’ve taken the time to put my recommendation behind.

The post 10 Secret (& Essential) Steps to the Perfect Sauna Experience appeared first on Make + Manifest.

Everything I Do (& Don’t) On the First Day of My Period Sun, 20 Oct 2024 21:36:55 +0000 Peep this pelvic floor PT’s holistic guide to better periods…because pain isn’t normal and what you do (& don’t) on the first day of your period can make or break your menstrual cycle.

The post Everything I Do (& Don’t) On the First Day of My Period appeared first on Make + Manifest.

Being a woman is wild (& beautiful & powerful & special & sexy & incredible & inspiring & thrilling)…but wild. Month after month, every. single. day. our bodies slightly, instinctively, cyclically change behind the scenes with the sole purpose of conceiving life. I mean, c’mon! Seriously?! Stop for a second to acknowledge and appreciate how amazing that is, thennnnnn remember the reality that is your period and return back to real life.

Before learning how to reduce inflammation, balance my hormones, and ultimately control my endometriosis, my periods were horrible – like, curl up on the floor, multiple pads an hour, take meds just to manage bad. Now, after years of trial and error, that time of the month is a mild inconvenience at most to my regular routine.

RELATED POST: 7 Holistic Menstrual Cycle Hacks to Help You Thrive During Your Period

RELATED POST: You’ve Gotta Read At Least One of [These] 5 Books If You Want a Better Menstrual Cycle

RELATED POST: Living With Endometriosis: The Reality of Managing vs. Healing & How I’ve Naturally Taken Control of My Symptoms

Rather than approach the first day of my period with dread, I’ve developed a system that sets me and the rest of my cycle up for success. Obviously what I do the other 27-ish days of the month matter too, but everything flows smoother (see what I did there? lol) when I place importance around being intuitive and intentional on that initial day.

This list of “do’s” and “don’ts” is a perfect place to start if you’re new to this whole “hormone hacking” thing, or it can be another way to hone in if you’re old hat. Try just few of these tips, test them for a month or two, then tweak or tack on more based on your results. [This] is what works for me, but remember…you know your body better than anyone else ever will. Listen to your body, honor its needs, and the rest will fall into place.

How to know when it’s period day one

Waking up to your period on your panties is a big ol’ duhhhhhh that it’s menstrual cycle day one, but sometimes it’s not that obvious. A cycle-tracking app may try to determine when your period will start based on average cycle length, but unless you’re ridiculously regular, it can be wildly inaccurate.

My tried and true method for predicting my cycle is tracking my basal body temperature (BBT). BBT is your temperature at rest and is measured with a thermometer (or smart watch or ring or arm band or any other cool device they’re comin’ out with) first thing in the morning before getting out of bed. With practice and consistency, this number and how it fluctuates can tell you what menstrual cycle phase you’re in, when you’re ovulating, and when your period will start.

RELATED POST: An [Intuitive & Intentional] Guide to Menstrual Cycle Tracking

BBT tends to follow progesterone levels and is typically lower during menstruation and the follicular phase then rises a few days after ovulation. It overall stays higher during the luteal phase then drops again for menstruation. (That “drastic” temperature drop is how I know it’s day one, even if I haven’t started bleeding yet.) Temperature changes are usually only by a few tenths of a degree, so this pattern is easiest to see on a line graph, which is included in many cycle-tracking apps.

All the “do’s” on period day one

If it seems counterintuitive to have a list of to-do’s when you’re cramping & cranky & all you want to do is put on comfy clothes and cuddle on the couch…then keep reading because [those] are the kinds of “tasks” I’m talkin’ about today. While the average woman can’t necessarily stop work, motherhood, or marriage for menstruation, it’s worth the bit of extra energy to emphasize rest, nourishment, and even overall wellbeing on this and the next three to six days of her cycle.

Learning what to add and adjust on the first day of my period has been a labor of self-love and an experiment that I’ve eased into month after month, year after year, with results from “wow, that actually worked” to “well, I’m never doing that again”.

Think of this list like a toolbox (with tools that range from obvious to a liiiiiittle obscure) that you can choose from based on your cycle & life circumstances. Everything here has proven to not only be effective, but also follows my “less is more” approach to health – aka simple & straightforward steps with life-changing results on the other side.


I’m a big, big fan of the menstrual cup. Sure, it takes time & trial and error to find the right size & shape and insert it successfully, but once you do, the benefits include budget friendly, environmentally conscious, chemical free, and holds more liquid. Whether I’ve started bleeding or not, I insert my (already cleaned) cup on period day one and go about the rest of my day feeling prepared and protected.

RELATED POST: The Menstrual Cup Guide You’ve Been Looking For

I switched to Saalt cups about a year ago and have been sold ever since. I love their Duo Pack because it comes with two different sized cups – “regular” for heavier flow days (what I personally use on the first day of my cycle), and “small” for later in my cycle when the flow is lighter. Even if cups aren’t your thing, Saalt also has other options like discs and absorbent underwear, and no matter what form of period protection you pick, you can get 15% off your Saalt purchase with code DRDAVIS15 at checkout.


Coffee is the first thing in my cup every damn day of the week, but when I’m menstruating, I always make myself a second mug filled with warm tea. Nettle leaf tea is rich in vitamins and minerals including magnesium and iron, both of which can help with fatigue, cramping, and heavy bleeding. Red raspberry leaf tea contains potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and calcium, plus high amounts of Vitamin A, B, C, and E, all of which can reduce cramping, heavy bleeding, mood swings, bloating, and nausea.

From day one of my period until ovulation, I put a bag of each tea in my mug and steep with hot water & honey. The combo is actually quite tasty and refreshing. Then from ovulation through the luteal phase until my cycle starts again, I continue with red raspberry leaf tea but combine it with dandelion root tea instead for its detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, and bone health benefits.

IMO, tea is one of the easiest and most accessible ways to hack your health and hormones. There are also known benefits to drinking warm liquid while on your period to decrease the amount of bleeding and cramping, so a warm cup of tea checks multiple menstrual health boxes, sip by sip.


NEW FLASH! Periods aren’t supposed to be painful. Mildly uncomfortable? Mayyyyybe (because the uterus is contracting to shed the endometrial lining), but can’t-think-straight cramping or popping ibuprofen like it’s candy? Um…no. “Common” and “normal” are two very different things, and just because the average woman has painful periods doesn’t mean we should be accepting this as standard.

Beyond complications like endometriosis, adenmyosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and fibroids, pelvic floor muscle tension is the most common culprit behind cramps. Uterine contractions in themselves during menstruation are actually quite manageable if not imperceivable, but become painful when combined with a tight pelvic floor.

RELATED POST: 19 Reasons You Have a Tight Pelvic Floor (Plus…What to Do About It)

While I work on relaxing my pelvic floor every day with posture, stretching, breathing exercises, and my favorite two-second technique I call the “let it go” (all of which you can find here in this free guide), I kick the consistency up a notch as soon as my cycle starts. Out of all the tricks and tools in this guide, releasing pelvic floor tension gives theeeeee best results.

RELATED POST: My Daily Pelvic Floor Relaxation Routine & Why You Might Want to Try It Too

RELATED POST: Relax These [Other] 6 Body Parts to Release Pelvic Floor Tension


If your clothes feel a liiiiiiittle more snug the first few days of your period, it’s not just you or the fact that you caved on that chocolate craving. During menstruation, not only does the uterus enlarge by 10-15%, but changes in hormones also cause the body to retain water and salt, which can result in bloating and temporary weight gain.

While I have a few tips to limit swelling in general (keep reading, friend!), wearing lose-fitted clothing is an easy solution to take some pressure off. For me this looks like wireless bras, these 100% organic cotton sweats if I’m at home, these stretchy linen pants at work, and of course, comfy organic cotton undies.

RELATED POST: I Tried Allllll the Internet’s Best Wireless Bras & [These] Were My Favorite

Do I have period clothes? Yes, yes I do…because I refuse to be miserable a few days a month if I don’t have to be. Especially when my periods were particularly painful, having a few set items I could count on to be comfortable made a world of a difference on cycle day one. This small step helps me still feel pretty & put-together, even when my hormones don’t match the mood.


In every phase of my menstrual cycle, I consider a healthy diet to consist of whole foods and high protein…easy as that! Despite my craving to eat everything and the kitchen sink, I stick to those same principles during menstruation but with even more mindfulness around what my body needs. This looks like warm meals as much as possible, avoiding alcohol and highly-processed or high-sugar foods, and prioritizing specific minerals to keep mood and energy up and symptoms low.

  • Iron – This is the primary mineral I focus on consuming during my period to replenish what’s lost while bleeding, which is why quality red meat (like steak, a crockpot roast, or ground beef) is always on the menu for me.
  • Magnesium – This mineral helps ease menstrual cramps and reduce mood fluctuations, and avocados are my favorite way to consume it.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids – This has anti-inflammatory properties and helps boost energy, and I love this excuse to splurge on salmon and sardines

I’ve shared my favorite ways to consume these minerals, but a quick google search will show you so many more ideas to fit your tastes and diet. While research shows we don’t necessarily need considerably more calories during the menstrual cycle, I firmly believe this is not a time to restrict, but to replenish and restore our bodies for the month ahead. 

RELATED POST: My Favorite Guilt-Free Snack to Successfully Satisfy Period Cravings


I consider myself to be somewhere in the middle between crunchy and conventional, but the more I learn, the more I lean towards “alternative” or “complementary” medicines. I looooooove using supplements & tinctures & herbs & homeopathies for everything from stress to sleep to sickness, and I’ve found a few all-natural remedies for a smoother menstrual cycle that I just have to share.

Beef liver – I take this beef liver supplement (almost) daily, but am especially sure to include it during my period. Beef liver is high in iron, which needs to be replenished during menstruation. It also contains Vitamin D and zinc, which can help with cramping, and supports the liver, a key player in hormone regulation.

Sex tincture – I was #noshame influenced by good ol’ IG to try this tincture whose tagline is “slippery when wet”. In true transparency, I haven’t witnessed the libido-boosting benefits from its powerhouse ingredients of cacao fruit, maca root, fenugreek seed, saffron fruit, and damiana leaf, but I have noticed “better” periods with a longer cycle (from 21 to 27 days), lighter bleeding, and more balanced mood.

Magnesia phosphorica – We’ve already covered that magnesium can help with cramps, but if upping it in your diet just isn’t doin’ it (aaaand you’re consistent with those pelvic floor relaxation exercises too), this homeopathic medicine specifically for abdominal cramping is what you’ve been looking for. As soon as I feel any cramping come on, I take these tablets for quick relief.

Arnica Montana – This homeopathic medicine works wonders for those general body aches that tend to accompany period day one. I preemptively take them as soon as I know my bleeding is about to begin and it sets me up for success through the cycle as needed.

Cycle Soothing Spray – I love Primally Pure for all things all-natural skincare, but when I heard they came out with a cycle soothing spray filled with magnesium and the perfect blend of organic essential oils for both topical and aromatherapeutic benefits, I just had to give it a try…and it works! I spray this on my low back and abdomen as needed, and the relief is near instant. Use code DRDAVIS at checkout for 10% off.

Now before we move on, let me take this quick opportunity to remind you that period pain is not…I repeat, not normal. While it’s important to have the tools to temporarily prevent or relieve specific symptoms, it’s imperative to find their root cause and repair it. That, however, takes time (like years for me), and until I dialed in my hormones through nutrition, exercise, stress management, and sleep, you better believe I was thankful to have these supplements by my side.


Growing up I was taught to push through my period – to do school, sports, work, life, etc. as if my estrogen and progesterone weren’t in the tank, I wasn’t bleeding, and it was just another day. Now I know that if I want to honor my hormones (and have a happier period), this time should be used to prioritize resting, relaxing, resetting, and recharging instead.

I’m not in a life season where I can retreat to my bedroom for three days with only meditation, baths, and reading on my to-do list (*sigh*…could you imagine!?), but I can go to bed a little earlier and sleep a little later, protect my peace by putting my phone on airplane mode, clear my calendar as much as possible, and communicate to those around me that I’ll need a little more help and grace over the next few days.


Acupressure is a form of acupuncture based on the traditional Chinese medicine and is used to stimulate the flow of energy (or Chi). The only difference between the two is you use the fingers to stimulate the points in acupressure rather than needles with acupuncture. Pressing on the acupoints can positively effect their related systems and organs and is a non-invasive, cost-effective, accessible option for painful periods, PMS, low back pain, stress, nausea, bloating, and so much more.

Many of the acupressure points that help with period pain are easy to access no matter where you are or what you’re doing. For an easy how-to – both how and where to perform acupressure for the biggest benefit – check out this blog post I wrote nearly two years ago. Ever since I learned about this technique, I’ve been using and loving it on period day one. 

RELATED POST: Yes (!!!) You Can Use Acupressure for Pelvic Pain – Here’s How


Truth be told, I’m not the biggest bath person, but on the first day of my period a hot soak satisfies the relaxation and warmth my body’s asking for. To maximize the benefits, I add epson salt as yet another easy way to boost magnesium and reduce muscle tension & cramps.

While I try to take an Epson salt bath this one day a month, it doesn’t always happen… probably because I don’t really have the time or taste for them. If you’re in the same boat for whatever reason, an easy alternative would be taking the magnesia phosphorica above and combing it with a hot pack in the morning while sipping your coffee, in the car on your way to work, or in bed at night before falling asleep.


Drinking water is one of the cheapest and most easily accessible things we can do for our health, and the same principle applies to pelvic and period health too. We all know that exercising without drinking enough water causes cramps, and that’s because muscles are made up of mostly water and need hydration to function. Well, the uterus and pelvic floor are muscles too, and dehydration during menstruation can amplify cramping and pain.

RELATED POST: Take Control of Your Pelvic Health: 5 [Big] Reasons Hydration Matters & Easy Water Drinking Tips to Get You There

It’s often recommended to drink half of your body weight (in pounds) in ounces of water. For example, if someone weighs 150 pounds she should be drinking 75 ounces of water per day. When on my period, I aim for more like two-thirds of my body weight to prevent cramps and bloating and help with digestion, stress, and fatigue.

Aaaaaand the “don’ts”

Did you know that in some cultures women are sent away for a few days every month while on their periods!? Some do this out of discrimination and oppression while others consider it a time of restoration and celebration. If we were talkin’ the latter, this is totally something I’d take advantage of, buttttttt here in the US we’re expected to keep doing & being & moving with zero regard or respect for the cyclical changes our bodies are experiencing.

Pausing everything for our periods might not be possible, but practicing and implementing a gentler, peaceful, more purposeful pace have turned my periods into a monthly permission slip to take my foot off the gas pedal.

I’m excited to share the non-negotiable things I don’t do on the first day(s) of my period because, well, honestly?…I think what I avoid may have a bigger impact than what I add. As someone who was taught from a very young age to never let her period stop her, subtracting and slowing down was a harder concept for me to practice. But once I did, that’s when the magic started happening.


I will preach the importance of daily movement to anyone and everyone who’s willing to listen. From confidence, to stress management, to preventing pain and of course full body health, there are too many benefits for exercise not to be an obligation. There is, however, one exception to this “rule” and that is menstruation.

RELATED POST: You Might Be Overlooking [These] 10 Exercise Benefits

As someone who does CrossFit (and used to pay an exorbitant amount of money to do so), I worked out at a high intensity six days a week no matter what aaaaaand wondered why my body didn’t perform well when on my period. Once I started taking the first day (or three) of my menstrual cycle off, my period pain, length, and flow improved as well as my performance in the gym the other days of the month.

Period day one is a hard pass on any sort of exercise other than walking my dog. I still move my body (because I have a three-year-old who finally understands the concept of tag and is obsessed), but otherwise I’m prioritizing rest and relaxation as much as possible. For the rest of my bleed, I listen to my body and either continue restingt or incorporate low-intensity movement like stretching, lighter lifting, or a low key bike ride.


I’ve already shared what I do for my pelvic floor during my period (have you downloaded the free guide to relaxing your pelvic floor muscles – my most effective strategy for pain-free periods!?), but there’s also something I definitely don’t. While kegels (or pelvic floor muscle contractions) are often an important piece of the pelvic health puzzle, I never do them when on my period.

Because the uterus and pelvic floor are already contracting to shed the endometrial lining, the last thing that area needs is more regular & repetitive contractions. [That] is a recipe for horrible cramps and pelvic pain. Even if you’ve been prescribed kegels by your pelvic rehab therapist for urinary leakage or pelvic organ prolapse, it’s ok to take a break from your routine for a few days. Trust me when I say, there are so many other thing you can do in the meantime and your pelvic floor will be so glad you did.

RELATED POST: Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor & Improve Your Bladder Control with Zero (Yes…Zero!) Kegels a Day – Here’s How


By now you know the importance of prioritizing rest and relaxation during your period, but I try to take this even a step further and keep my cycle in mind each month as I fill our family’s calendar. Would I cancel a big vacation or much-anticipated invitation if it landed on the first day of my period? Um…no! But when possible, I plan ahead for when my period is expected to start and avoid any big activities at all costs.

I’ve changed camping trips, turned down nights out, and rearranged appointments knowing that the first day of my period means low energy, zero urge to be around other people, and a sole desire to be home in my sweats and sipping tea. Stressful or exciting or serious life events aren’t always avoidable on period day one, but when they are, you better believe I bow out with zero hesitation or guilt.

Please remember [these] three things…

If I could go back and show Amanda from ten years ago…even five years ago what her periods are like today, I don’t think she’d believe me. The first day of my period used to be about simply surviving between a bottle of ibuprofen and box of heavy-flow pads; now I’m thriving just as much as any other day with a handful (or two) of “do’s” and “don’ts” supporting my body along the way.

I hope this post helps you get to ^^that^ place. Until then, I hope this post helps make your menstruation manageable, your periods more predictable, and gives you more confidence and control in your cycle. And more than anything, I hope this post has made these next three sentiments abundantly clear –

It takes time. Developing your intuition, listening to your body, collecting and implementing the tools, and ultimately healing your hormones…none of those things happen overnight (unfortunately), and this process must be approached with patience and persistence if you want it to work.

There are other options. From supplements to bath salts to sweatpants, a simple search on the world wide web will show you hundreds if not thousands of other suggestions for better periods. I don’t consider myself an expert in this arena, just an experimenter who found what works for her and I encourage you to purposefully & unapologetically do the same.

Painful periods are not normal. I don’t know if I can shout this any louder! And while I’m on this soapbox, allow me to add that birth control won’t fix the underlying issues either. Do your research. Find medical professionals who will *actually* help you. And relax your pelvic floor through the whole process (seriously though…have you grabbed this free guide yet??).

RELATED POST: The Day I Quit Taking Birth Control For Endometriosis

RELATED POST: 5 Things I Did After Taking My Last Birth Control Pill

Women already write me saying “I think of you every time I’m on the toilet”, and as a pelvic floor physical therapist, I don’t know if there’s a better compliment out there. Maybe after this post you’ll think of me when you’re on your period too 😉

– Amanda

Disclaimer: The content provided here does not constitute medical advice, nor is it a substitute for personalized healthcare. I’m a doctor, but I’m not your doctor. If you have concerns about a medical condition, diagnosis, or treatment, you should consult with a licensed healthcare professional.

Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. No pressure, but I have a feeling you’re gonna like what I’ve taken the time to put my recommendation behind.

The post Everything I Do (& Don’t) On the First Day of My Period appeared first on Make + Manifest.

37 Random Things I’ve Learned in 37 Years Sun, 22 Sep 2024 22:07:25 +0000 37 trips around the sun, 37 (very random) life lessons filled with reflections and ah-ha moments for self-care, success, health, happiness, marriage, motherhood, and more.

The post 37 Random Things I’ve Learned in 37 Years appeared first on Make + Manifest.

I’ve been secretly celebrating my birthday month behind the scenes, but now that it’s my big week, I thought it would be safe to #noshame share that ya girl turns 37 (!!!) in just a few days. While it’s not necessarily a “milestone” or “momentous” year, this one just seems…mmmmmmmm…special. I feel stronger (in every sense of the word), more secure, smarter, more excited than ever before. 

Maybe the sayings are true – maybe experience does come with age and everything else naturally, automatically, serendipitously follows? Who knows! But between loss, becoming a firefighter wife, parenting a three-year-old, raising chickens, and working through personal & family health struggles all in my last trip around the sun, those experiences just keep stackin’ on up, honestly whether I want them to or not. 

RELATED POST: My Real & Raw (& Random) Thoughts After Miscarriage

RELATED POST: Life Lately: 10 Wellness “Trends” I’m Trying (& Loving)

I still feel young, but more mature…if that makes sense? Liiiiiike I can still keep up with my girl running around the kitchen island, but caring what others think, wearing uncomfortable clothes, stressing the small stuff, and staying up past 10 make that 9 PM…those are most definitely things of the past.

I’m not claiming to know it all, but I thought it would be fun to sit down and write 37 (very random) things I’ve learned in the last 37 years – the kinds of things I hope my daughter picks up far faster than I did, the kinds of things I wish I could go back and share with 17, even 27 year-old me. Are they special or exciting? Um…no. Are they all true for everyone? Definitely not. Are they exceptionally wise? I’ll let you be the judge of that 😉 (but really…the answer is no).

Regardless of whether or not I’m old enough to share life advice, it turns out writing 37 (again, very random) things did provide the reflections and ah-ha moments I was lookin’ for. And I hope something inside this blog post does the same for you. 

37 years, 37 life lessons


I used to roll my eyes when someone said “the world doesn’t revolve around you”, but now I remind myself of this on the regular. The fact that everyone is more focused on their own troubles and triumphs than mine is a beautiful permission slip to [be] me in all the ways – wear what I want, try new things, and make big decisions without worrying about what others think.


There’s only one person I’m guaranteed to have by my side for my entire life (me), and if I don’t know her inside and out, find her worthy, and love her unconditionally, I’ll never be able to show up fully in the world. This is more than taking #treatyoself opportunities…it’s setting boundaries, standing up for myself, and embracing my uniqueness, and I will remain my top priority with no guilt, knowing I’m a better wife, mother, friend, coworker, etc. because of it.


As someone who once begged her mom not tell anyone she started her period, I’m proud to say I’ve come a long way in the last thirty(ish) years. From family planning to understanding my hormone health, predicting energy and productivity levels, modifying my workouts, and simply knowing *exactly* when my period is going to start, tracking my menstrual cycle is by far the easiest and most effective thing I do for my physical, mental, and emotional health. Period (hehe).

RELATED POST: An [Intuitive & Intentional] Guide to Menstrual Cycle Tracking


Even just typing ^^that^^ I had to check in with myself, because sometimes quitting feels borderline criminal – something for losers and those who are “less than”. But looking at the big picture critically and course correcting or choosing again in relationships, careers, and other pursuits is sometimes the smartest thing we can do. The quicker and more confidently I wave that white flag, the closer I get to the life that’s meant for me.


If I have free time and I’m not writing these blog posts or baking sourdough…I’m reading. Books are the cheapest form of education and entertainment out there, and I look forward to devouring a chapter of something inspirational when I first wake up, sneaking in a few pages about my current hobby on my lunch break, and falling asleep to a juicy romcom novel at night. (Yes, I’m always reading three books at once!) While there’s nothing like holding the real thing, I’ve been obsessed with renting e-books for free from my library on the Libby app then downloading them to my kindle for easy and accessible enjoyment.  


Until about a year ago, I didn’t even know wireless bras were a thing. I had heard of and worn a few bralettes, but a bra that promised the same look, lift, separation, and support of an underwire bra (but without an underwire) was something I had to experience for myself. Not only did I fall in love with the obvious comfort advantages, but wireless bras also mold and adapt better to breast shape and size (perfect for my three-plus year postpartum but still ever-changing body) AND place less restriction and pressure on the breast tissue allowing for more breathability, blood circulation, and lymphatic flow. This one is hands-down my favorite and what fills my undies drawer.

RELATED POST: I Tried Allllll the Internet’s Best Wireless Bras & [These] Were My Favorite

RELATED POST: Healthy Habits for Happy Breasts – A Breakdown of Breast Health Basics


In a world where investing big and buying the next best thing are supreme, spending that hard-earned money on health might seem silly, useless, and excessive. But nothing’s more expensive than illness, and quality food, gym memberships, blood tests, supplements, specialist appointments, and anything that will help me reduce stress or sleep better are worthwhile and necessary investments. There’s no money-back guarantee or Amazon Prime shipping and patience and persistence are key, but putting stock in my wellbeing proves I’m worthy, and the ROI outweighs the risk every time.

RELATED POST: Health is Wealth, So Let’s Talk Money, Honey


Screw society’s meaning of “making it”, because even though I was checking all the boxes, I felt unfulfilled. Once I defined my own success, I had a clear vision of where I wanted to be and started feeling that sweet satisfaction when I achieved it. So what does success look like for me these days? It’s fresh flowers on my dining room table, preferably from my garden. It’s having time to homeschool my daughter. It’s wearing matching pajama sets to bed. It’s yearly family photos. It’s daily “I can’t forget this” moments. And so much more.


As I Christian I grew up saying “The Lord’s Prayer”, and my favorite part has always been “thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”. There’s something about that full surrender, trusting God knows best, and believing His perfect plan will come to fruition. I still say this prayer daily, but I picked up another one from Gabby Bernstein – “this, or something better”. So now every time I go to God, I pray those two sayings together, affirming that whatever He has in store will, in fact, be the best thing for me.


This one applies in soooooo many places, but I primarily implement this mantra in my workout regimen. Between having a baby and starting this blog, I’ve gotten busier over the years, and my perfect streak of intense exercise 6-7 days a week just isn’t doable anymore. Rather than throw in the towel altogether, my current goal is to consistently workout 4-5 days a week, then celebrate when I can do more and show myself compassion when I can’t. This mindset shift keeps me away from “all or nothing” thinking and takes away one more reason excuse to give up.

RELATED POST: You Might Be Overlooking [These] 10 Exercise Benefits


Of course we’re all unique & beautiful & amazing in our own ways, and the odds of me being me (and you being you ;)) are about one in 400 trillion. But the struggles I’m going through, the seasons I’m in, the situations I’m experiencing…they’re not special and I’m not the first person in those circumstances. [This] is why I share my strivings and setbacks – because there’s power in numbers and knowing you’re not alone.


It’s likely you’ve heard of Gary Chapman’s book “The 5 Love Languages”, but if not, the idea is that there are five main ways people want to be loved – physical touch, acts of kindness, words of affirmation, quality time, and gifts. Once I figured out my love language (words of affirmation) and communicated it to my partner, my cup felt far more filled. Sure gifts and nice gestures are lovely, but send me a thoughtful text or leave me a sticky note with a sweet message? Game over.


In our fast-paced world, it’s so. dang. easy. to slip into autopilot without even realizing it – going and scrolling on to the next thing…all without stopping to acknowledge accomplishments. Of course the big wins (almost) always get airtime, but celebrating the small stuff has its own set of benefits. Not only is it fun and feels good, but I’ve found pausing for a little self-praise creates a sense of purpose, encourages progress, and gets that dopamine flowin’ with appreciation and pride in myself.


I didn’t meet the love of my life until I was 30. It took six gosh-dang months for our chickens to start laying eggs. I spent nine years paying off my student loans. We’re still (and likely always will be) turning our house into our dream home. In all honesty, I was not blessed with the gift of patience, but boy do the best things in life take time. And when I stop forcing it, slow down, and trust the outcome, [that] is when the magic always happens.


There is *nothing* wrong with getting your hair done, dedicating time to an amazing skincare routine, knowing how to contour your makeup, and throwing on a cute outfit. But the older I get, the less I care about how I look and the more energy I put into how I feel, my passions and projects, and the impact I’m making on those around me. So I don’t get my hair colored or my lashes filled. I don’t go on shopping sprees and I will likely never learn the basics of blush and bronzer. I’m so much more than what I look like, and that realization has freed up my focus for far more important things.  


From food to friendships and everything in-between, this principle proves true again and again. My “less is more” approach to life is centered around this code, and this level of intentionality has helped me simplify life, save time and money, and overall surround myself with more unique and memorable experiences.


You knowwwwwww the pelvic floor therapist in me had to come out at some point, and this isn’t the only soapbox she’s gonna be standin’ on (you’ve been warned). I used to feel shame around using lube, but between hormones fluctuating monthly and changes in stress and life seasons, it’s actually quite normal to be “dry” sometimes. I now like to look at lube as an essential safety measure and easy way to increase the likelihood of having an orgasm. My current favorite all-natural, water-based, looks-cute-on-your-nightstand lube? Check it out here.

RELATED POST: Lube 101: An All-Natural (Yet Totally Realistic) Guide to What You’re Using “Down There”

RELATED POST: 8 Essentials Every Woman Needs on Her Nightstand

RELATED POST: Is Your Pelvic Floor Affecting Your Orgasms? 5 Simple Steps That Will Change Your (Sex) Life


A beautiful mug for your morning coffee, pulling out the quilted picnic blanket for lunch outside, lighting the fireplace for movie night, the perfect playlist while prepping dinner – those little details go a long way and can turn the most mundane activities into memorable moments with overall minimal effort. On those days where life just feels blah, I love finding opportunities to crank up the dial (even just a little bit) on the fun & fancy & flare factor for an instant dose of joy and delight.


We live in an exciting time with virtually (literally and metaphorically) billions of resources at our fingertips to ask questions and access information. And from health to home projects, parenting to planting a garden, not a day goes by that I’m not learning something through books, podcasts, social media, or online courses. But the important part…the fun part…the part that actually makes a difference is taking action on that newfound knowledge. So what are you waiting for, friend!?

RELATED POST: 6 Powerful Places You’re Proooobably Forgetting to Look for Answers to Your Health Questions


Let me be clear…I do not subscribe to the sentiment that women should be seen and not heard. Case in point – all but one of the podcasts I listen to weekly are by women because the female perspective is, without question, a powerful one. But as a chatty Cathy myself, I’ve had more foot-in-mouth moments than I care to admit, and everything goes better when I pause before giving input. It’s not always easy, but that extra second to question the impact of my words, my tone, and my facial expressions (oooooh that last one gets me every time) is worth the awkward silence.


When I’m overwhelmed, anxious, stressed, or burnt out, airplane mode is my go-to anecdote. Notifications are silenced, access to the outside world is removed, and I can protect my peace from the pings and save my sanity from the scrolling with one simple click. It doesn’t take a trip at 30,000 feet to benefit from this wonderful function, and I consider it my secret to slow and soulful days.


After years of wishing and coming home from Wilco empty-handed, we finally got chickens this spring. We didn’t know what we were doing and we definitely weren’t “ready”, but our girls are thriving, Sloan is *obsessed*, and there’s nothing (and I mean nothing) like collecting eggs every afternoon. Even if chickens aren’t on your vision board, the lesson here is this: you’re never really prepared for the big things in life – buying the house, having the baby, starting the business – but as Marie Forleo says, “you wouldn’t have the dream in your heart if you didn’t have what it takes to make it happen”.


Every body system (including the pelvic floor) wants…desires…longs…aches to function at its full capacity. The bladder doesn’t like leaking. The pelvic floor muscles prefer not to hurt. The bowels prooooobably don’t enjoy being constipated. In fact, I like to picture the opposite! I imagine the leakage & pain & constipation & [insert any issue here] as our body’s plea for support. And when we put in the effort and find that “where has this been all my life!?” answer…the body lets us know about that too. Rather than bash or berate or belittle our bodies, maybe we should start thanking them instead? Repeat after me: Thank you, body, for all you do. I hear you. I appreciate you looking out for me. I know these things can take time. But I’ve got you. 

RELATED POST: I Hate My Pelvic Floor (Read If You Can Relate)

RELATED POST: Urinary Urgency& Frequency? You’ve Gotta Stop Making These 5 [Big] Bladder Mistakes

RELATED POST: 13 [Effective] Strategies for Natural Constipation Relief


I’m a control freak and overachiever. In other words, asking for help is not in my MO and “I’ve got this” or “no thanks” are often my default responses to being offered assistance. But every time I’ve asked for or actually accepted it, damn does it feel good to let someone else lessen the load or take the lead. And the best part? Allowing others to help gives them an opportunity to use their gifts and me an excuse to express gratitude…a win for everyone involved.


Intuition…a hunch…gut feeling…inner knowing…no matter what you call it, it’s a powerful thing. Women’s brains are naturally and intentionally wired for intuition, but I wasn’t always quiet enough to hear it or confident enough to act on it. Flexing my intuition muscle looks turning inward for answers and trusting my instincts, flowing with an innate feeling rather than forcing. The stronger I make this sixth sense, the more sure I am of my self and my decisions.


Especially since becoming a mama, I’m very particular and unapologetic about who I spend my time with…not only because there’s none to spare, but because who I allow in my circle also shapes me as a person. I don’t need friends who agree with my parenting practices or politics, but it’s important that they’re go-getter kinda gals who have big goals and support me in mine.


I get my best ideas in the shower. I answer life’s biggest questions, talk my way through tough conversations, and have my hardest breakdowns…all in the shower. The shower is one of the few places that’s truly distraction-free, so there’s no surprise it’s also where my brain works best. Just cruise down the hallway, close the door, and crank up the heat for the most refreshing and relaxing reset ever.


As a libra, my tendency is to take everything over the top. But since becoming a mama, I’ve learned the sweetness of simplicity. My daughter, Sloan, would rather visit the crabs in the grocery store tank than go to the aquarium; if we’re home, she’s content playing with our chickens. When you enjoy simple things, it’s just easier to be satisfied, and I’ve never been more grateful, never had so many “pinch me” moments since uncovering how lovely life’s little things are.


Drinking water is one of the cheapest and most easily accessible things I do for my health, and not just pelvic health, but health health. Full body, head to toe, mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing are all driven and affected by water, and if my body’s not well hydrated, I can feel the side effects. I aim to drink half of my body weight (in pounds) in ounces of water per day. That’s filling this water bottle up twice and I always add my favorite electrolytes to one of them.

RELATED POST: Take Control of Your Pelvic Health: 5 [Big] Reasons Hydration Matters & Easy Water Drinking Tips to Get You There


I’ve already covered that no one cares and my life circumstances aren’t special, so why on God’s green earth would I hold myself back from letting lose and loving life? Dance in the grocery store when a good song comes on. Smile at the stranger on the street. Get the donut with sprinkles. Create something…anything…without calling out imperfections and with permission to make mistakes in the process. In other words, the more opportunities I find to (appropriately) act like my three-year-old, the more fun and freeing my days feel.


Oh how I wish I could go back and save younger Amanda weeks…months…years of hassle and heartache with this one. Between counting calories and stressing over my jean size, I spent way too much time worried about the wrong things. My diet is now based on nourishing rather than restricting. I exercise to be stronger, not skinnier. It’s about how my body feels and functions, and funny enough…my figure naturally follows suit.


I didn’t get to pick my parents, my sibling, or my child, but I did get to choose my spouse, and he has impacted nearly every area of my life. As someone who, in a past life, made a not-so-great decision that ended in divorce, I can say with certainty that who you marry matters the most. The way my husband believes in me, the father he is to our girl, and how he leads our family has shaped who I am and how I go about life, and I’m so happy he’s mine (*cue the sappy & happy tears*).


I’m interested in a million and one things, but as those priorities & passions & projects add up, I’ve surrendered to the fact that I can do anything…but not everything. There are only 24 hours in a day (and at least eight of them should be spent sleeping), so I keep the things that bring me the most joy and willingly leave the rest with zero guilt or regret.


When I first got pregnant over five years ago now, I couldn’t help but think of everything I’d have to give up – impromptu date nights, days spent reading, sleeping in, my pre-baby body – and they did in fact disappear when I became a mama. But the birth of my daughter brought more abundance than I ever thought possible. I could’ve never imagined this level of intuition, intention, and inspiration, every moment is more memorable & meaningful, I have a stronger “why”, and life just feels more grounded, vibrant, and right. Gosh I love you, Sloan, and I would trade the beauty sleep for the unbelievable blessings you’ve brought, again and again.


Every time I put my money where my mouth is, magic happens. As a self-proclaimed “penny pincher” this was a hard pill to swallow, but from buying books to hiring help, research shows that those who pay pay attention. The more I spend, the more serious I am, the more success I see. So if I truly want a transformation, I walk the talk by committing to a transaction…and it’s been worth it every time.


There is very little health advice that applies to everyone, but I can say with confidence that if you’re reading this blog (and made it allllll the way down here…go girl!), you should be relaxing your pelvic floor. Nearly all women have pelvic floor muscle tension, which can lead to pain, bowel and bladder dysfunction, and more. Click here to learn how to relax your pelvic floor and implement the same techniques I preach and personally apply every day for optimal pelvic health.

RELATED POST: 19 Reasons You Have a Tight Pelvic floor (Plus…What to Do About It)

RELATED POST: My Daily Pelvic Floor Relaxation Routine & Why You Might Want to Try It Too

RELATED POST: Relax These [Other] 6 Body Parts to Release Pelvic Floor Tension


I’ve never been smarter, felt sexier, or had a stronger sense of self. I honestly didn’t know this level of security existed, and I sure as hell didn’t expect it in my late(r) thirties. With every extra candle I blow out each year, [it] really does get better – [it] being every aspect of life I give my energy and attention. Forget “washed up”, try “watch out world!”, because I’m determined to make this a reality with every trip around the sun.

Ok…let’s do that again next year!?

Ok, that was a fun one! I honestly could have kept going…did keep going!…then paired it down to my top 37. And I’m curious to know – which one resonated with you the most?

Here’s to another beautiful year of goals & growin’ & goin’ with the flow of all that life has to offer. You better believe I’m going to start it with homemade espresso and a donut from our favorite local bakery, staying home from work to soak up snuggles with my girl, and an afternoon in our garden.

– Amanda

Disclaimer: The content provided here does not constitute medical advice, nor is it a substitute for personalized healthcare. I’m a doctor, but I’m not your doctor. If you have concerns about a medical condition, diagnosis, or treatment, you should consult with a licensed healthcare professional.

Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. No pressure, but I have a feeling you’re gonna like what I’ve taken the time to put my recommendation behind.

The post 37 Random Things I’ve Learned in 37 Years appeared first on Make + Manifest.

Health is Wealth, So Let’s Talk Money, Honey Sat, 31 Aug 2024 20:18:17 +0000 Health is wealth and I’ve found surprising (& useful) similarities between achieving physical wellness and financial abundance. Learn how to prioritize and optimize your body and bank account with these simple steps.

The post Health is Wealth, So Let’s Talk Money, Honey appeared first on Make + Manifest.

What comes to mind when you think of the word “wealth”? A big, beautiful home? Brimming bank account? Maybe beach-front vacations? Or how about an unbelievable abundance of [fill in the blank]? (These were all of my first thoughts too.) But did you know that when you look up the history of the word “wealth”, it’s actually a combo of “well” and “health”!? AKA – wellness, wellbeing…proooooobably the whole reason you’re here!

About a year ago I paid off my six-figure student loans. Until that time, my money mission revolved around saving every possible penny and putting it towards debt. Frugality was my MO and I forfeited a fancy wedding, fun wardrobe, and far off getaways to demolish those unpaid dues. Since then, I’ve been able to shift towards goals of growth and giving, and through it all have noticed something wild – many finance principles also apply to wellness!

As a pelvic floor physical therapist who preaches and personally practices healthy habits and holistic living (95% of the time *wink wink*), this parallel was super fun to see. While I wish I had investment tips or market secrets to share, this space is more about feelin’ like a million bucks than having it in your pocket.

So if you agree with the English language that health is wealth, then these similarities I’m about to expose will be no surprise, and I hope they inspire you to look at both in a whole new light.

An investor’s mindset

The Davis house has a few rules – no shoes in the house, every meal is packed with protein, and Christmas decorations start going up the day after Thanksgiving (no exceptions). We also firmly believe if we’re going to spend our money on anything, it’s our health. From quality food to exercise equipment and memberships, testing, supplements, specialist appointments, and anything that will reduce stress or contribute to a better night’s sleep, we consider these purchases not only necessary and worthwhile, but an investment in our health.

I’m fairly new to the investing world, but I’m realizing it’s a long game, one that 66 year-old Amanda will thank current 36 year-old me for participating in every single day. And just like funding a 401(k) or Roth IRA, the ROI (return) on our health efforts isn’t always immediate either – gaining muscle, balancing hormones, and healing our guts takes time. But you do the work knowing that what you put in now will eventually pay off.

They say you can’t buy happiness, but (to an extent) I believe you can buy health. Unfortunately there’s no money-back guarantee or Amazon Prime shipping and patience and persistence are key, but when you put stock in your wellbeing, not only are you proving to yourself that you’re worthy, but the reward outweighs the risk every time.

The real meaning of “abundance”

If you would have asked me a year ago if I felt abundant, I probably would have burst out laughing, then followed it up with a quiet, cringy, self-conscious “no”. Because I used to think abundance was allllllllll about money, and ya girl is blessed, but the ol’ bank account isn’t necessarily what I’d call bursting or bountiful.

Then I heard a podcast explain the meaning of the word “abundant” as “something that’s present in large amounts, more than what’s needed, over-sufficient”, and my mind was blown. You can be abundant in anything…everything!!!…not just money! In other words, one can also have a surplus of creativity, opportunity, determination, happiness, purpose, AND health.

Health abundance can look a hundred ways – energy, strength, fertility, immunity, genetics, accessible & high quality healthcare…the list goes on. And just like finance gurus preach the importance of an abundance mindset over that of scarcity or lack, the same can be said in the wellness world too. Rather than perseverate on the problems, remember to also record the things that are going right and making you feel rich (because as long as there’s air in our lungs, we are blessed).

Knowledge (& proactivity) is power

“Why has no one told me this before!?”, I question each and every time I learn something new about saving, spending, and investing money. Then “this is the kind of stuff they should be teaching in schools!” is usually my next response. But there are no excuses…the information is out there and it’s really and readily available, buttttttttt it also requires proactivity & prioritization to actually be purposeful & powerful.

Health knowledge is no different. From books to podcasts, social media, and online courses, there are virtually (literally and metaphorically) thousands millions billions of resources available to ask questions, increase our medical knowledge, and improve our wellbeing. No more geographically limiting options, waiting for an appointment, relying on one person’s opinion, or blind trust. AKA – there’s no reason we can’t be setting and reaching our health goals with this newfound accessibility.

RELATED POST: 6 Powerful Places You’re Prooobably Forgetting to Look for Answers to Your Health Questions

No matter where you are in your health (or wealth) goals, it’s possible you aren’t taking advantage of all the resources our modern world has to offer. Both my bank account and body benefit from being a life-long learner, and while I still consider myself a dabbler in the finance field, not a day goes by that I’m not studying or trying something new to improve my wellbeing too.

RELATED POST: Life Lately: 10 Wellness Trends I’m Trying (& Loving)

Small steps matter

I’m a “go big or go home” kinda gal (just one look at the *elaborate* chicken coop we recently built will prove it), and I tend to apply that mindset to most areas of life…sometimes to a fault. But in order to pay off my student loan debt, I followed Dave Ramsey’s “baby steps” (found in this book), and can admit there are some instances where starting small is of service.

This “slow and steady wins the race” principle also applies to health. Healing is often a product of several small but significant steps in succession – clearing the schedule, making the appointment, getting the blood work, buying (and taking) the supplements, making the lifestyle changes – until you see the life-changing results on the other side.

RELATED POST: How to Make Time For Your Health Among the Hustle

RELATED POST: Easy & Impactful Ways to Use Your Time Confetti to Improve Your Pelvic Health

Is it always easy? Hell to the no! While I’ve written over 120 blog posts (!!!) filled with health tips and have at least 120 more in me, I still find myself slipping…sliiiiiding…and swearing to start again on Sunday. But that’s ay-okay, because it’s not about perfection. It’s about prioritizing yourself (your health & wealth ;)) with small, daily choices again and again and again, even after the days you don’t.

Know your numbers

I can’t be the only one who’s “conveniently” avoided a credit card statement or ignored the balance left in the budget. They say ignorance is bliss, and for a brief, brief moment, that belief can apply to our bills and bank accounts…but eventually the numbers come a-knockin’. From profit and loss to debts due, inflation, and interest rates, we can’t cross our fingers and stick our heads in the sand if we want to be successful.

Health is the same. Whether it’s the number on the scale or smart watch, tape measure or lab tests, barbell or blood pressure cuff, knowing *exactly* where you are and where you want to be is the best way to create a game plan and eventually reach those goals. While it’s sometimes painful to face the facts, numbers don’t lie and they provide a powerful place to put our attention, awareness, and action.

RELATED POST: How to Set & Reach SMART Pelvic Health Goals

It’s easy to be naïve about the numbers; it’s also fairly easy and inexpensive to know everything about them. For me this looks like tracking my basal body temperature daily to monitor my menstrual cycle. I log into the EveryDollar App regularly to review and balance our budget. (At least) twice a year I do a full blood panel and at-home hormone testing to check the levels that matter most to me and my health goals. Knowledge in the numbers is necessary if you want to make strategic decisions, take productive action, and see real progress…period.

RELATED POST: An [Intuitive & Intentional] Guide to Menstrual Cycle Tracking

Teamwork makes the dream work

As a DIY-er to my core, I will do everything in my power to fly solo as long as possible with most projects and pursuits. And until recently, I applied this approach to my saving and investing efforts too. Then a few months ago we hired a financial advisor, and let me tell you…never have I ever felt so secure in my investment strategy and positive in my retirement plan. My questions were answered and confusions were calmed, all from talking with someone who knows their stuff and has my personal profit in mind.

I shouldn’t be surprised, I see this same thing in my pelvic health clinic and online consults all the time – women go from scrolling social and browsing blog posts with minimal improvement in their pelvic health to near instant results after consulting an expert. I personally experienced this when I stopped relying on Pinterest for my hormone health and hired a naturopath to help get me on the right track.

Working with someone whose specialty is your shortcoming can turn decades into days when it comes to becoming educated on and ultimately executing your endeavors. Sure…it can take a toll on the ol’ pride and pocketbook to do so, but I’ve found again and again that creating a team who’s working towards my wellness goals with me has always been #worthit.

There’s transformation in the transaction

From mindset to making moves, so far I’ve shared all the different ways we can be proactive in our wealth & health, aaaaaaand maybe you’ve noticed a theme? You have to put your money where your mouth is. Be it buying books to hiring help, there is some and sometimes a substantial amount of spending necessary to see the effects. And as a self-proclaimed “penny-pincher”, this was a hard pill to swallow.

There’s the saying “people who pay, pay attention”; others may call it putting “skin in the game”. No matter how you may’ve heard it, these words of wisdom ring true. In a time where our attention is pulled in a thousand directions, we only really prioritize the things that come at an expense. Seriously…stop and think about it for a second!

If you truly want to see transformation in your body or bank account, walk the talk by committing to a transaction (I’ve honestly found the more I spend, the more serious I am, the more success I see). Purchase an online course, consult with an expert, join a paid membership – research shows this almost always results in increased accountability and motivation, a surefire way to take it the next level.

You’re not alone

Ever look around the think everyone has it all together but you? Theeeeee biggest lie we tell ourselves when things get hard is that we’re in it alone, that no one else has, is, or ever will deal with our dilemma. Sure, certain personal factors might pack an extra punch, but at the end of the day we all have our own set of seasons, situations, and experiences trying to sabotage us. Aka – whether it’s matter of your body or bank account, I can assure you you’re not “the only one”.

When I was paying off my student loans, it seemed like I was alone in budgeting every dollar bill (like a bad ass, I might add) to put a dent in my debt and make ends meet. When I had a miscarriage, it felt like everyone around me was getting pregnant twice as fast with half the effort. “Why me?”, “why this?”, “why now?” creeps in a lot with money troubles and health struggles.  

RELATED POST: My Real & Raw (& Random) Thoughts After Miscarriage

But when you step outside your circumstances, you’ll see the statistics – in my case, 10% of student borrowers owe over $100,000 and one in three pregnancies end in miscarriage. While I don’t wish either of these adversities on anyone, it can be comforting to know that you’re in good company and others have overcome the same challenges. [This] is why I share my strivings and setbacks…because there is power in numbers and knowing you’re not alone.

It’s personal

You’ve likely heard the terms “personal finance” and “personal health”, and that level of specificity is often used because…well…both are very personal! We’ve already established that everyone has their own individual issues, but this also means what works for someone else might not work for you. Between budgeting and investing, diet and exercise, there are known “rules” out there that should & could apply to most, but at the end of the day it all needs to be filtered through YOUR distinct lens of life.

I personally find this frustrating – I wish there was a one-size-fits-all approach to health and wealth, a reliable roadmap you could follow with guaranteed results on the other side. Screw unique, give me usual if it means wellness in every sense of the word. *Sigh*. Even if we have the right mindset, do the research, know the numbers, and hire the help, there’s still an element of trial and error due to our differences.

But because it’s all so individualized, I think it’s that much sweeter when you see success. Nothing will beat naturally getting pregnant with my daughter after being told it was impossible with my severe stage of endometriosis. I cried tears of joy and relief the day I wrote my last student loan check. Sure…there are others who have experienced these same achievements, but knowing what I personally persevered through leads to next-level appreciation and empowerment.

RELATED POST: How I Got Pregnant Despite My Endometriosis Diagnosis

Women need to join the conversation

I doubt anyone has ever come out and said “money is for men”, but it’s most definitely the underlying narrative in our society. On average, men earn more money than women. Men are given the money messages of spend!, invest!, grow!, whereas women are encouraged towards saving, frugality, and discipline (i.e. do you really need that morning latte?). Guys talk about finances all the time, but I can only think of one girlfriend in my circle who mentions money with me, and even then it’s few and far between.

Women are left out in the wellness world too. Men make up the majority of research subjects because our hormones and menstrual cycles are “too complex” and add “too many variables”. So time & tests & trials are spent on the guys, then the results are applied to us gals with little care or consideration for our clear differences. And don’t get me started on how diet culture targets women to believe that smaller is sexier (sounds kinda like that savings strategy to me) *eye roll*.

Ladies, we need to join the conversations. We need to speak up and advocate for ourselves. We need to be bold and brave, confident and courageous, audacious and unapologetic when we’re dismissed, gaslit, and straight-up bullied in the money and medical worlds. No one is gonna do it for us; the ball is in our court. The more money moves we make and stands we take for our wellbeing, the closer we will get to equality in these arenas.

RELATED POST: How to Be Bold In Your Health: A Guide to Getting the Medical Care You Deserve

My favorite part about all of this!

Money is not my thing (yet!), but next year my goal is to read twelve books on the topic and I can’t wait to see what comes of it. I am, however, already a health expert (in one particular field more than others ;)), and realizing I can apply many of the conventional wellness concepts towards wealth feels like I’m already headed in the right direction. If you have experience in one area more than the other, consider this is your push and permission slip to take what you know and start the process towards progress.

As Steve and a blue-spotted puppy sing in my daughter’s favorite show, ”you can do anything that you wanna do”, and whether your current goal is health or wealth related, I really do believe the sky’s the limit, especially if you’re willing to apply the points above. Remember…there are soooooooo many ways we can be rich.

Wishing you all the wealth & health in the world.

– Amanda

Disclaimer: The content provided here does not constitute medical advice, nor is it a substitute for personalized healthcare. I’m a doctor, but I’m not your doctor. If you have concerns about a medical condition, diagnosis, or treatment, you should consult with a licensed healthcare professional.

Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. No pressure, but I have a feeling you’re gonna like what I’ve taken the time to put my recommendation behind.

The post Health is Wealth, So Let’s Talk Money, Honey appeared first on Make + Manifest.

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