What comes to mind when you think of the word “wealth”? A big, beautiful home? Brimming bank account? Maybe beach-front vacations? Or how about an unbelievable abundance of [fill in the blank]? (These were all of my first thoughts too.) But did you know that when you look up the history of the word “wealth”, it’s actually a combo of “well” and “health”!? AKA – wellness, wellbeing…proooooobably the whole reason you’re here!
About a year ago I paid off my six-figure student loans. Until that time, my money mission revolved around saving every possible penny and putting it towards debt. Frugality was my MO and I forfeited a fancy wedding, fun wardrobe, and far off getaways to demolish those unpaid dues. Since then, I’ve been able to shift towards goals of growth and giving, and through it all have noticed something wild – many finance principles also apply to wellness!
As a pelvic floor physical therapist who preaches and personally practices healthy habits and holistic living (95% of the time *wink wink*), this parallel was super fun to see. While I wish I had investment tips or market secrets to share, this space is more about feelin’ like a million bucks than having it in your pocket.
So if you agree with the English language that health is wealth, then these similarities I’m about to expose will be no surprise, and I hope they inspire you to look at both in a whole new light.
An investor’s mindset
The Davis house has a few rules – no shoes in the house, every meal is packed with protein, and Christmas decorations start going up the day after Thanksgiving (no exceptions). We also firmly believe if we’re going to spend our money on anything, it’s our health. From quality food to exercise equipment and memberships, testing, supplements, specialist appointments, and anything that will reduce stress or contribute to a better night’s sleep, we consider these purchases not only necessary and worthwhile, but an investment in our health.
I’m fairly new to the investing world, but I’m realizing it’s a long game, one that 66 year-old Amanda will thank current 36 year-old me for participating in every single day. And just like funding a 401(k) or Roth IRA, the ROI (return) on our health efforts isn’t always immediate either – gaining muscle, balancing hormones, and healing our guts takes time. But you do the work knowing that what you put in now will eventually pay off.
They say you can’t buy happiness, but (to an extent) I believe you can buy health. Unfortunately there’s no money-back guarantee or Amazon Prime shipping and patience and persistence are key, but when you put stock in your wellbeing, not only are you proving to yourself that you’re worthy, but the reward outweighs the risk every time.
The real meaning of “abundance”
If you would have asked me a year ago if I felt abundant, I probably would have burst out laughing, then followed it up with a quiet, cringy, self-conscious “no”. Because I used to think abundance was allllllllll about money, and ya girl is blessed, but the ol’ bank account isn’t necessarily what I’d call bursting or bountiful.
Then I heard a podcast explain the meaning of the word “abundant” as “something that’s present in large amounts, more than what’s needed, over-sufficient”, and my mind was blown. You can be abundant in anything…everything!!!…not just money! In other words, one can also have a surplus of creativity, opportunity, determination, happiness, purpose, AND health.
Health abundance can look a hundred ways – energy, strength, fertility, immunity, genetics, accessible & high quality healthcare…the list goes on. And just like finance gurus preach the importance of an abundance mindset over that of scarcity or lack, the same can be said in the wellness world too. Rather than perseverate on the problems, remember to also record the things that are going right and making you feel rich (because as long as there’s air in our lungs, we are blessed).
Knowledge (& proactivity) is power
“Why has no one told me this before!?”, I question each and every time I learn something new about saving, spending, and investing money. Then “this is the kind of stuff they should be teaching in schools!” is usually my next response. But there are no excuses…the information is out there and it’s really and readily available, buttttttttt it also requires proactivity & prioritization to actually be purposeful & powerful.
Health knowledge is no different. From books to podcasts, social media, and online courses, there are virtually (literally and metaphorically) thousands millions billions of resources available to ask questions, increase our medical knowledge, and improve our wellbeing. No more geographically limiting options, waiting for an appointment, relying on one person’s opinion, or blind trust. AKA – there’s no reason we can’t be setting and reaching our health goals with this newfound accessibility.
No matter where you are in your health (or wealth) goals, it’s possible you aren’t taking advantage of all the resources our modern world has to offer. Both my bank account and body benefit from being a life-long learner, and while I still consider myself a dabbler in the finance field, not a day goes by that I’m not studying or trying something new to improve my wellbeing too.
RELATED POST: Life Lately: 10 Wellness Trends I’m Trying (& Loving)
Small steps matter
I’m a “go big or go home” kinda gal (just one look at the *elaborate* chicken coop we recently built will prove it), and I tend to apply that mindset to most areas of life…sometimes to a fault. But in order to pay off my student loan debt, I followed Dave Ramsey’s “baby steps” (found in this book), and can admit there are some instances where starting small is of service.
This “slow and steady wins the race” principle also applies to health. Healing is often a product of several small but significant steps in succession – clearing the schedule, making the appointment, getting the blood work, buying (and taking) the supplements, making the lifestyle changes – until you see the life-changing results on the other side.
RELATED POST: How to Make Time For Your Health Among the Hustle
RELATED POST: Easy & Impactful Ways to Use Your Time Confetti to Improve Your Pelvic Health
Is it always easy? Hell to the no! While I’ve written over 120 blog posts (!!!) filled with health tips and have at least 120 more in me, I still find myself slipping…sliiiiiding…and swearing to start again on Sunday. But that’s ay-okay, because it’s not about perfection. It’s about prioritizing yourself (your health & wealth ;)) with small, daily choices again and again and again, even after the days you don’t.
Know your numbers
I can’t be the only one who’s “conveniently” avoided a credit card statement or ignored the balance left in the budget. They say ignorance is bliss, and for a brief, brief moment, that belief can apply to our bills and bank accounts…but eventually the numbers come a-knockin’. From profit and loss to debts due, inflation, and interest rates, we can’t cross our fingers and stick our heads in the sand if we want to be successful.
Health is the same. Whether it’s the number on the scale or smart watch, tape measure or lab tests, barbell or blood pressure cuff, knowing *exactly* where you are and where you want to be is the best way to create a game plan and eventually reach those goals. While it’s sometimes painful to face the facts, numbers don’t lie and they provide a powerful place to put our attention, awareness, and action.
RELATED POST: How to Set & Reach SMART Pelvic Health Goals
It’s easy to be naïve about the numbers; it’s also fairly easy and inexpensive to know everything about them. For me this looks like tracking my basal body temperature daily to monitor my menstrual cycle. I log into the EveryDollar App regularly to review and balance our budget. (At least) twice a year I do a full blood panel and at-home hormone testing to check the levels that matter most to me and my health goals. Knowledge in the numbers is necessary if you want to make strategic decisions, take productive action, and see real progress…period.
RELATED POST: An [Intuitive & Intentional] Guide to Menstrual Cycle Tracking
Teamwork makes the dream work
As a DIY-er to my core, I will do everything in my power to fly solo as long as possible with most projects and pursuits. And until recently, I applied this approach to my saving and investing efforts too. Then a few months ago we hired a financial advisor, and let me tell you…never have I ever felt so secure in my investment strategy and positive in my retirement plan. My questions were answered and confusions were calmed, all from talking with someone who knows their stuff and has my personal profit in mind.
I shouldn’t be surprised, I see this same thing in my pelvic health clinic and online consults all the time – women go from scrolling social and browsing blog posts with minimal improvement in their pelvic health to near instant results after consulting an expert. I personally experienced this when I stopped relying on Pinterest for my hormone health and hired a naturopath to help get me on the right track.
Working with someone whose specialty is your shortcoming can turn decades into days when it comes to becoming educated on and ultimately executing your endeavors. Sure…it can take a toll on the ol’ pride and pocketbook to do so, but I’ve found again and again that creating a team who’s working towards my wellness goals with me has always been #worthit.
There’s transformation in the transaction
From mindset to making moves, so far I’ve shared all the different ways we can be proactive in our wealth & health, aaaaaaand maybe you’ve noticed a theme? You have to put your money where your mouth is. Be it buying books to hiring help, there is some and sometimes a substantial amount of spending necessary to see the effects. And as a self-proclaimed “penny-pincher”, this was a hard pill to swallow.
There’s the saying “people who pay, pay attention”; others may call it putting “skin in the game”. No matter how you may’ve heard it, these words of wisdom ring true. In a time where our attention is pulled in a thousand directions, we only really prioritize the things that come at an expense. Seriously…stop and think about it for a second!
If you truly want to see transformation in your body or bank account, walk the talk by committing to a transaction (I’ve honestly found the more I spend, the more serious I am, the more success I see). Purchase an online course, consult with an expert, join a paid membership – research shows this almost always results in increased accountability and motivation, a surefire way to take it the next level.
You’re not alone
Ever look around the think everyone has it all together but you? Theeeeee biggest lie we tell ourselves when things get hard is that we’re in it alone, that no one else has, is, or ever will deal with our dilemma. Sure, certain personal factors might pack an extra punch, but at the end of the day we all have our own set of seasons, situations, and experiences trying to sabotage us. Aka – whether it’s matter of your body or bank account, I can assure you you’re not “the only one”.
When I was paying off my student loans, it seemed like I was alone in budgeting every dollar bill (like a bad ass, I might add) to put a dent in my debt and make ends meet. When I had a miscarriage, it felt like everyone around me was getting pregnant twice as fast with half the effort. “Why me?”, “why this?”, “why now?” creeps in a lot with money troubles and health struggles.
RELATED POST: My Real & Raw (& Random) Thoughts After Miscarriage
But when you step outside your circumstances, you’ll see the statistics – in my case, 10% of student borrowers owe over $100,000 and one in three pregnancies end in miscarriage. While I don’t wish either of these adversities on anyone, it can be comforting to know that you’re in good company and others have overcome the same challenges. [This] is why I share my strivings and setbacks…because there is power in numbers and knowing you’re not alone.
It’s personal
You’ve likely heard the terms “personal finance” and “personal health”, and that level of specificity is often used because…well…both are very personal! We’ve already established that everyone has their own individual issues, but this also means what works for someone else might not work for you. Between budgeting and investing, diet and exercise, there are known “rules” out there that should & could apply to most, but at the end of the day it all needs to be filtered through YOUR distinct lens of life.
I personally find this frustrating – I wish there was a one-size-fits-all approach to health and wealth, a reliable roadmap you could follow with guaranteed results on the other side. Screw unique, give me usual if it means wellness in every sense of the word. *Sigh*. Even if we have the right mindset, do the research, know the numbers, and hire the help, there’s still an element of trial and error due to our differences.
But because it’s all so individualized, I think it’s that much sweeter when you see success. Nothing will beat naturally getting pregnant with my daughter after being told it was impossible with my severe stage of endometriosis. I cried tears of joy and relief the day I wrote my last student loan check. Sure…there are others who have experienced these same achievements, but knowing what I personally persevered through leads to next-level appreciation and empowerment.
RELATED POST: How I Got Pregnant Despite My Endometriosis Diagnosis
Women need to join the conversation
I doubt anyone has ever come out and said “money is for men”, but it’s most definitely the underlying narrative in our society. On average, men earn more money than women. Men are given the money messages of spend!, invest!, grow!, whereas women are encouraged towards saving, frugality, and discipline (i.e. do you really need that morning latte?). Guys talk about finances all the time, but I can only think of one girlfriend in my circle who mentions money with me, and even then it’s few and far between.
Women are left out in the wellness world too. Men make up the majority of research subjects because our hormones and menstrual cycles are “too complex” and add “too many variables”. So time & tests & trials are spent on the guys, then the results are applied to us gals with little care or consideration for our clear differences. And don’t get me started on how diet culture targets women to believe that smaller is sexier (sounds kinda like that savings strategy to me) *eye roll*.
Ladies, we need to join the conversations. We need to speak up and advocate for ourselves. We need to be bold and brave, confident and courageous, audacious and unapologetic when we’re dismissed, gaslit, and straight-up bullied in the money and medical worlds. No one is gonna do it for us; the ball is in our court. The more money moves we make and stands we take for our wellbeing, the closer we will get to equality in these arenas.
RELATED POST: How to Be Bold In Your Health: A Guide to Getting the Medical Care You Deserve
My favorite part about all of this!
Money is not my thing (yet!), but next year my goal is to read twelve books on the topic and I can’t wait to see what comes of it. I am, however, already a health expert (in one particular field more than others ;)), and realizing I can apply many of the conventional wellness concepts towards wealth feels like I’m already headed in the right direction. If you have experience in one area more than the other, consider this is your push and permission slip to take what you know and start the process towards progress.
As Steve and a blue-spotted puppy sing in my daughter’s favorite show, ”you can do anything that you wanna do”, and whether your current goal is health or wealth related, I really do believe the sky’s the limit, especially if you’re willing to apply the points above. Remember…there are soooooooo many ways we can be rich.
Wishing you all the wealth & health in the world.
– Amanda
Disclaimer: The content provided here does not constitute medical advice, nor is it a substitute for personalized healthcare. I’m a doctor, but I’m not your doctor. If you have concerns about a medical condition, diagnosis, or treatment, you should consult with a licensed healthcare professional.
Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. No pressure, but I have a feeling you’re gonna like what I’ve taken the time to put my recommendation behind.